Clair and Lisa's News
We caught the ferry from Townsville over to Magnetic Island. The weather was beautiful and the sea was so clear. We were staying at Maggies Beach House in a Beach Front dorm, the view was gorgous, we looked out on to Horseshoe Bay.Our first day we decided to relax on the beach which was great apart from the bloody wind that kept blowing all the sand over us
but we cleverly solved that problem and sat on the grass instead!!!We headed up to the Forts walk to watch the sunset, we bumped into Nick again so he joined us. On our way up to the Forts we saw some wild wallabies. The walk took a couple of hours and the views were stunning. We got to walk around the WW2 forts and spotted some wild kola bears! The sunset was beautiful, we met lots of other people on the walk and ended up having dinner with them, it was a lovely evening.The next day we went on another long walk to Radical Bay, it was a lovely beach we stayed there for a while then made our way back or so we thought!!!! We took the long route back it was up and down so many hills, we certainly felt in our calves but it was worth it, the scenary was beautiful and we stumbled across another amazing bay called Florence Bay, the sea was too rough to gor for a swim though.Our last day we decided to do the Yongola Ship Wreck dive! It was a very long and tiring day. We did not realise that it would take us 3 hours to get to the wreck. The sea was so rough everybody on the boat was sick. We reached the wreck to find that the Sea Police were doing an investigation on a suspected muder at the dive site
. We had to sit on the surface for 2 more hours, it was horrible! We finally got the all clear to go down to dive! The sea was really rough, the wind was 25knots which is the maxium they will allow you to dive in. We had to use a line to get across to the dive site, it was very scary. I used half my tank before I even got down to the wreck. When we got down it was amazing, I didn't even realise it was a wreck because of all the coral until we went past a port hole. Clair seen the toilet on the wreck and we seen some fantastic fish. Apparently there were bull ray's and sharks swimming below us but we missed them. We could only dive to 22 meters due to the police investigation. I had to come up without Clair because my air was so low, it was really strange we are so used to being together in the water. The guy who came up with me was a great help even though we used the wrong line that didn't go back to the boat, my gage got stuck and I had to untangle myself, but I made it to the boat and lived to tell the tale. Clair was even more brave and had to swim back to the boat on her own. We both made a wise decision not to go back in for the second dive especially coz Clair cut her finger and we didn't want those Sharks chasing us
. We were releaved to get back on dry land and thankfully our 20 minute ferry ride back to Townsville was a far more smooth ride!!Next stop Airlie Beach!!!Lots of Love The Two Amigos xoxo

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