Airlie Beach - Whitsunday's
We woke up early to get picked up to be taken to the harbour to meet our yacht!!! We were waiting at the bus stop for a while and couldn't understand why we hadn't been picked up, Lisa was just about to call them when she realised that for the first time in her life she was an hour early Ooops!!! So we went and had a nice brekkie.
We were finally picked up and were introduced to the crew of Sexy Siska. There was Pete the skipper he was the smiley one, Tris the bland and un-interesting one and Jessie the very strange one!! They all seemed to fit their descriptions perfectly. We had an amazing time and got to help raise the sails and even do a bit of steering. Our first port of call was Blue Pearl Bay where we went for our first snorkel. We then set sail to Maureen's Cove where we did some more snorkelling, the coral was so colourful we had never seen anything like it but the water was freezing!! We anchored here for the night and that's where the fun began under the stars! We were drinking Goon (cheap wine in a box - it's the way forward) with Leanne, Niki, Claire, Sarah, Karriane, Marcus, Elad, Tony and Oliver!!! We learn't how to play 'I can see the moon in the spoon' and 'This is my little Piggy', can't wait to teach you all when we get home
We woke up feeling a little fragile and unfortunatly were greeted with grey skies although whilst up on deck Pete the Skipper spotted a pod of Humpback Whales, it was absoultly amazing! Pete said in all his year's sailing round the Whitsunday's he has never seen a pod of Whales . The sun did decide to make an appearance that day and we sailed to Tounge Bay where we got the dingy over and walked to Whitehaven Beach! It was paradise, we had the whole beach to ourseleves to enjoy lunch. We had a good old mess around in the pure white sand and crystal clear waters! We didn't want to leave.
But we had to and once back on the yacht we spotted our first wild turtle!!! We set sail again to Dunbell Island where we would anchor for the night! Some people went snorkelling, the water was freezing so Lisa decided to enter elegantly by bombing in! That evening was spent having gorgeous Steak for dinner, mashed potatos and chocolate cake for dessert but only for the girls
On our last day we woke up to the sun shining and clear blue sky. We decided to go for a morning snorkel and seen some great fish and beautiful coral. We set sail to our last destination the Coral Garden's and there we went for our final snorkel where we seen two Barracuda's, some big bat fish oh and missed the Dolphin's that were apparently swimming towards us . We the sailed back to Airlie Beach where we met up with the crew and all the great people we met for free drinks and a little boogie! We danced the night away in 'Mama Africa's', it was mad we met so many people in there that we have met along the way we felt like we were at home in Cheekos!!!
Well Whitsunday's has been a fantastic highlight we can't wait until our next adventure.
Lots of Love
The Two Amigos xoxox
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