Ria's Travels around USA!!!
Hay up!!!
How are you all???
Well am just sat in the bus station waiting for my bus to Chicago to arrive :-) got about 30 minutes to kill so thought i'd update you all back home...
Well I feel so happy today... i've got a geeky spring in my step thats just appeared this morning :-)
I think it has a lot to do with yesterday. I went to Mount Rushmore and it was absolutely brilliant....
I went on this all day tour and it was just great. They picked me up from the greyhound station about 3ish and we didn't get back till late. Well worth it...
We started by heading to this cute little town called Keystone... I say town but it was just two random rows of shops n places to eat in the middle of nowhere, really nice though. The whole town is owned by just three its really nice :-)
Then we went on an old steam train through the black hills. That was really good. Don't think i've been on a steam train before so I felt like a proper little western movie was really nice :-)
Then off to Mount Rushmore...
The tour guide stopped in the middle of nowhere and gave us a sneak preview of the Mountain...we could just see the profile of Jefferson...
and I don't know what came over me but i just welled up...i think it was because mount rushmore was one of the first places i wanted to visit from way back when i was at school, and it just hit me that i was there...finally!!! blubba blubba!!!! haha
very emotional...hehe
Anyway when we got round to see the whole of Mount Rushmore it was just absolutely brilliant. The heads are each 60 feet tall and its just massive...very very impressive I must say :-) They have so much up there...we stayed all evening. Time just passes by, they have shops, museums, places to eat things to do, read and see it was really good...and of course MOUNT RUSHMORE!!!! :-) hehe
We stayed quite late to see the night show. They illuminate the whole mountain which was really pretty!!!! They do a proper american style speech about the presidents and stuff...hehe. It was nice though because the guy at the fount made all the veterans go down on the stage and everyone was clapping them...that was a nice touch
It was such a lovely evening as well because it stayed warm all night.
To top off the night I headed to my 'MOTEL' :-) and it was absolutely lovely. I had this massive double bed...well 2 actually.... a cute little bathroom and a HUGE tv. I was just in my element :-)
It was funny though...because the motel stopped checking in at 11 and I didn't get back from the tour till 10.35 so I had to run about half a mile through rapid city to get there in time...I must of looked like a right geek with all my stuff..... Didn't wana spend another night in the station..I'd learnt my lesson back in new york :-) hehe
Its been absolutely brilliant being here, i've loved it loved it loved it
:-) hehe
so CHICAGO next
whoop whoop
speak soon everyone...
Love ya
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