Hey Guys, Amy here,
Just a short one today, not actually done much other than laze around the pool and go shopping to Woolworths (its such a novelty - and its a food shop not a tat shop).
Moving on tomorrow to Magnetic Island and we're staying at a place called the Bungalows which is located in an animal santuary where you can hug a Koala - we'll see whether I'm brave enough for that!!
For all those wanting Photos San has put them on Facebook, hopefully you should all be able to see them by following the link below:
I don think that they're in the correct order but they are all the photos we've taken (well Sam mainly as most of you will know that my photography skills are somewhat linited - thats putting it politely) so please enjoy them and if you can;t view them then please let me know and I'll try get them up on here. Unfortunately I dont think the videos are up there so you'll all have to wait for the excitement that is the dancing nodding birds.
Love to all x
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