Hey Guys,
Might only be a quick entry today as I'm limited on internet time (its expensive here but this is free - well technically we payed for it but long story).
So yesterday we made the jounrey from Mission Beach to Magnetic Island. Had a lazy morning in mission beach (it rained - seemed to do that alot ot mission beach) so we were very sociable and read our books and waited for the bus to arrive. Set off and went via Tully (wettest place in oz) and took a picture of the Giant Gumboot (pictures will be on here soon) and then stopped in a place for lunch (cant remember the name) where Sam insisted on buying the hugest sandwich available and then only eating half of it (tut tut). From then on the journey seemd to go downhill, the bus was running very low on fuel and so the driver was doing some interesting wiggles to try and move the petrol about. In the end we got to the petrol station but it was too late - air con was broken and it was leaking oil. The driver ordered another coach from a random company to take us the rest of the way to the ferry terminal and it arrived within minutes so thankfully we made the ferry. The ferry was rather choppy but thankfully neither of us suffer from sea sickness. The journey was about 20 minutes of which Sam insisted on standing hanging over the side for at least 19 minutes of the time.
Arrived at our hostel and its in the middle of nowhere. I had a giant Gecko prowling by my bed and for once I decided to have the botton bunk rather than the top (very odd for me but this was further away from the cobwebs). Chilled out and had an early night cos we were shattered and wanted to be up early to explore.
Today we wanted to cram in as much as possible and we were initially going to do this by walking, but in the end we decided to hire Mopeds - best decision ever. We had great fun whizzing around the island (Sam didnt go very fast though - little bit of a wimp if I'm honest). We found two very nice waterfalls where we had a bit of a play and then went on a walk to try and find some Koala's (and drop bears) unfortunatly we saw neither which I am very dischuffed about as I was very intent on spotting a wild Koala. Eventually as it was getting dark we decided to park Thelma and Louise (our mopeds) for the night and get tea. All in all its been an exciting day really and we both managed to survive. So mum, when I'm home I;m getting a moped yeah??!!
Tomorrow we have to take Thelma and Louise back and then we're prob going to chill out on the beach until we get the ferry back to Townsville where we're going to stay for the next 2 nights.
I'm sorry this has been such a boring entry simon, I'll try and do something far more exciting over the next few days to write about. Very pleased that you have finally made it off the phones!!!! And as for going to the gym, I think I'm going to have to have a beer to recover from that revelation and yes you read that correctly BEER (its a bit yucky but I might get used to it).
Righto guys, hope your all ok and having loads of fun at home in sunny england. Mission you all lots, hope your missing us too. Hope you all liked the photos, there should be some more soon!!!!!
Love ya xxxx
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