Back to school this morning for diving refresher course. Annelise had finally plucked up the courage to do an intro scuba course only to be told at the centre that this won't be possible as she is asthmatic (you need a doctor's note).She left the centre and headed home to chill.In the meantime, I did a test to see how much I remembered and went through the theory with Edwin (Dutch, 38, civil engineer, but quit to become a diving instructor after his girlfriend left him). A-lo was planning to join me at 1130 so she and Brecha snorkeled whilst Igor and I did a dive. A couple of hours of pool exercises later and I was fit to go.
We boarded the dive boat and headed round the corner to Sunset reef. Water was 29C. Fell in and spent 45 minutes at 15 meters admiring the coral gardens, turtles and millions of colourful fish. Surfaced and clambered aboard the boat. No sign of the ladies. I gathered they had been thrown off the boat and were floating around somewhere around the corner. Sure enough, as we rounded the headland 2 little heads were bobbing up and down surrounded by turquoise water, smiles all round.
Back on dry land we moved to Coco Café for smoothies and lunch - mostly baguettes for a change. The heat was stifling and by 3pm we were back in the room, A/c on full blast.
We shook off the lethargy at 5 and went for a sunset snorkel off the beach in front of our shack. Annelise made an early spotting of a huge turtle and from then of we saw the usual array of fish, large and small, another turtle and pretty coral.
The evening started with the usual cocktails at Horizontal bar with our new friends. Dinner was at a Japanese restaurant on the beach - good location as it was possible to crawl over a wooden platform into the Irish bar next door….A surprisingly good bit of sushi and teriyaki later we had a couple more drinks and discussed jobs, work and life back home….decided to head off at midnight and got the bill. I ventured to the gents in the Irish bar and in a bizarre twist of fate, sport was on: England were playing Scotland in the 6 nations and Fulham had just kicked off against Man U. On a third screen Spurs were 1-0 against Chelsea. 2 Bintangs please. Got home at a ridiculous time following victories all round, and paid for it the next morning……
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