Days 78 & 79: Hervey Bay to Forest Glen
We returned to big4 Forest Glen yesterday. We stayed here about 6 years ago when Brandon was still a baby and enjoyed ourselves so we were looking forward to returning.
The park hasn't changed, except for the management team. Everything else is almost exactly the same.
The sites are all drive through with the slabs at the front of the site so you can't leave the car hooked up. If we lined our van up with the slab the a-frame would be poking out of the site so we have had to set the van back a little and step onto the grass.
We tried to participate in the bird feeding soon after we arrived but the birds were a little flighty and so we lost interest pretty fast.
Today was an awesome day.
We started the day by visiting Bellingham Maze. We have been to the sunshine coast twice before but never visited the maze because we felt the kids were too young to fully enjoy it. We were right as they are now at the perfect age to appreciate it.
The maze itself was good, but we feel the one we did in Ballarat was better. We enjoyed the rope maze though, except for Brandon who was last to untangle himself both times. I explained to him it was because his legs were the smallest. He tried to reason that it was because his rope was the longest, ok buddy, if you say so!
After tackling each of the mazes and puzzles on offer, we enjoyed a round of mini golf. Yet again Dazza was victor but Micaela played a really good round on the first 9. Ethan lost motivation until he got the only hole in one, at which time he re-renewed his desire for the game.
Next we re-visited the Ginger Factory. We have visited it on both of our other visits to the region but haven't done the tour before, so we took part in it today. We were lucky to pick a time that nobody else did so it ended up being a personal tour just for the East family. We learnt all about how and where the ginger is grown and the process it goes through for both domestic products and exportation. Our guide informed us that due to lack of rain this season there will be a shortage of ginger over the next 12 months therefore raising the price. Time to buy your ginger and freeze it people!
The tour concluded with a tasting plate that Micaela, Darren and I enjoyed. We also enjoyed the boys tasting plates.
Once again we went on the train ride around the complex and the overboard boat ride. The kids enjoyed the day, with Brandon managing to write his most yet in his journal.
I planned to cook a gourmet meal for dinner tonight. Well, as gourmet as it gets in a caravan with limited space and appliances. I went to light the oven but the gas has finally run out. Treat! Maccas and noodle box for dinner. Gourmet dinner tomorrow night if we manage to fill the gas bottle.
We're off to Brisbane tomorrow.
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