Day 10 - by Brett
Woke up today and it was actually a bit overcast, still nice enough to sit outside in shorts for brekky though. Initially the weather forecast was for overcast and rain so we hadn't planned anything. Having said that it has supposed to rain everyday, and hasn't rained once. Apparently that's normal here, it'd drive me bonkers, and the garden wouldn't do so well. Geek alert, (so humour me or skip a few lines) - we took a drive to a radio control business here that's has indoor tacks and a shop etc. It was tots amaze balls! Whilst it sounds geeky (ok it is geeky) this place is a regular for a couple of V8 Supercar drivers and Casey Stoner. There, that un-geeked it. Obviously me and the boys went in and Laura went and got another crap coffee from somewhere else. So far Lauz hasn't had a single good coffee the entire trip, and me and the kids are paying for it. Not saying that it's a problem, but I'm looking in to how much it would cost to fly the little Asian lady from Muffin Break in Bendigo up here to make a coffee for the snappy one - I mean love of my life. As we were close to Harbour Town, we thought we call in and you'll never guess what Nike had? A pair of 14's that weren't entirely flouro. They're a combination of browns with blue, with bits of flouro green. They look like they've been designed by a blind person. They're ugly and I love them. We headed back to the resort to find our apartment had been cleaned as promised. I thought we had walked in to an indoor swimming pool. The boys wanted toasted sangas, so we cooked 'em on the barbie (not the kids toy). We then headed out for our second round of mini golf as little miss competitive wanted another crack at the title. Even though she hasn't had her weekly dosage of coffee, I wasn't giving in and will be spending the night on the couch, as that's the place for champions apparently. We played a different course today, and it was great fun. Porter is hilarious, it's either a great hole or a shocker, he just casually walks up and hits the ball and doesn't seem to care. Doesn't help that the putter is as tall as him. They do a cool thing on some holes where you have to spin a wheel before your shot and follow the instructions. James had to use his foot for the entire hole which was entertaining, Logan had to use the opposite end of the putter, I had to use one hand. Porter had to hold the putter behind him which again, he just walked up swung the putter around his back and smacked the ball toward the the hole. Then it was my elegant wife's turn. Her task, to swing the putter between her legs. I had that many jokes running through my head that it physically hurt. Now apparently swinging a putter between your legs is harder than it sounds, at least that's how it looked. Somehow the putter became 'stuck'. In her pants. She looked like she was doing an impersonation of Jake The Peg, Rolf Harris' three legged man. Lauz finally had her shot and detached the putter. I saw one bystander light up a cigarette, and another jumped in to the fountain in order to have a cold shower. Thank god it was the last hole. Of the golf course that is. We went back to the resort and James and I went exploring and to wash the car. Wound up at Robina shopping centre, and discovered the best technological invention ever. Above every parked car was a red light. When a car pulled out of the car park, the light turned green to signify the space was now free. Not only that, there were little signs that directed people towards the empty spaces! Mind = blown. Where it became fun, was watching drivers watching for the change in light color, and then watching them all race to the same space. It was like watching seagulls fight over chips. It'd be awesome at Christmas. Porter is still a bit unwell and put himself to bed at 6pm! Lauz made an awesome tea, mystery box style. I then took the eldest two boys to the cinemas to watch Guardians of the Galaxy, it was awesome and obviously went down a treat with them considering they didn't stop talking about it all the way home. Put them to bed, and Porter has now risen as his "eyes aren't tired anymore".
It appears that I've stuffed up some of the dates on these blogs (coz I haven't had to worry about the date which is a nice problem) and this site won't allow me to change them to the correct dates.
- comments
Jais n Pen Love your blogging Brett... literally we're laughing out loud! You need to write a column in a magazine or paper; very talented and descriptive