Day 7 - by Brett
So apparently chanting "The power of Christ compels you" over and over didn't work. Damien and his family were up to it again last night in the room above us.
Had a lovely home cooked brekky on the private sun soaked balcony at the rear of our apartment, sensational. Getting ready doesn't take as long thanks to Roger. That's the name of Laura's new hat (from the feminine hygiene commercial). As the boss doesn't need to do most of her hair, the time we're saving is remarkable. The hat is a fedora style. Roger - Fedora. Headed up to Seaworld around 10:30am, and there was already a large line. Felt like the scene from Wayne's World as we skipped the line with our VIP passes. Special. Headed straight to the Dolphin show which was the best show of the day. Amazing creatures. Did you know that dolphins switch half their brain to sleep at a time so that they can remain alert. How handy would that be? I'd be able to play a lot more video games. Apparently we're moving up here so Laura can become a dolphin trainer. We then headed over to Castaway Bay which is a massive kids play area. The boys were so excited as it features on a TV show they love. The eldest two went on the pirate ship ride first. For those not familiar with it, the kids sit in small pirate ships, that have four self propelled water cannons on each side. The ships then go around a set course in a water filled lagoon and have targets or innocent people that they can shoot water at. The evil genius that designed this attraction must have been a parent. Because they lined the outside of the lagoon with water cannons, plus the bonus of shelter to stand behind. There were dozens of parents with satisfied grins on their faces as they shot the crap out of kids with water. Not just their own kids either, any child. It was like one big group therapy session for the parents. I think some kids were crying but they were that wet it was hard to tell. Needless to say our two waterboys came off the ride absolutely drenched. Mostly thanks to their mother. General Laura was in full sniper mode, running from canon to canon, hiding behind cover until our poor undefensive children were within canon fire range. I filmed some of it. Just incase the courts ever need prior evidence. We then got the kids to play on a impressively constructed playground in order to dry off. Porter eventually wanted to go on this behemoth, and as Laura was a bit worn out still from her combat action, yours truly got the job of escorting him in. Went well until we got to the top on the ropes section. We were about 3 storeys up, and all of a sudden Porter realised he could see through some sections and went in to crawl mode. For about 10 minutes. After contorting and putting my body in positions that don't even belong on a game of twister, we finally made our way out. Grabbed some lunch next, and Porter unwittingly feed some of his sandwich to an ibis which was entertaining. We then spent time walking around the animal pools watching dolphins and seals, before taking in the free style jetski show. James and I went on the jetski rollercoaster that was a bit quicker than both of us anticipated, and the Storm rollercoaster ride that was great but wet. The rest of the day was spent observing other creatures such as rays, sharks, turtles (disappointingly none were ninjas), polar bears, and penguins, visiting the kiddy rides, and we bumped in to some friends from Bendigo would you believe. We left the park just on closing time. A day well spent.
Must go now, have to check the Super Moon outside. Laura's joke of the day, "Is it super coz it has a cape?", I love it when she's on medication. Although it's not that special, Laura gets to see a super moon every night.
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