Well today was our main Bucharest day. Our b&b has a pretty late breakfast of 9-11, so we got a bit of a later start. We started by tak7ng a tour of the palace of parliament. This isbthe second largest building on earth. So we only got to see 4% of was built by the communist dictator ceavescu. The shear size of it as you approach it is ridiculous. It is not only the size that is crazy but also the elaborateness of the building. One room has a 5 ton chandelier that 4 men can get inside of to change bulbs. There were the longest heaviest curtains in a government building, there was the desire to have everything from romania so there were silk worms imported to produce romanian silk. There were hand sewn curtains donated by a monestary, in return for the monestary not being destroyed. Itcwas all just quite crazy.
After that we went into the historic quarter to check that out and then it began to pour rain so we had some pizza for lunch. After we had lunch we went to the Romanian art museum. It was quite incredible, for the volume of mideval art on display and its quality and accessability... very little was behind glass. Then when we came out we checked the square out. The site of ceacesqu's last speach, escape by helicopter and then firing on the crowd. This was allmat the communist headquarters.
After all that we went back to the old quarter for dinner and andca bit more walking around. We got that and som street entertainment as apparently thrte is a film festivsl going on. The entertainment included several stilt walkersvin costumes and a band of flag waving, drum and horn playing mideval people. After all that we came back here to the b&b and are going to fall fast asleep I dxpect.
I do have a bit of a comment on romania generally it is way more modern and westernized then I expected. It is not very similar to ukraine like I expected.
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