Well I'm writing this on the train the morning aftrr leaving Budapest. Yesterday was a bit of a slower day. We really just git up went on a walk about got dome langos for breakfast and eent ti momento park. It is a oark with all the old commun7st statues in it. It made for some great photo ops... We tthen wen5 fkr a leisurely stroll wherever the road took us. We found a touristvstreet where we browsed stores including a belt store that alex thought had good quality stuff. We also stopped for a lupper at a side walk restaurant. I had a Hungarian cottage cheese sauce on oasta which was amazing. So that was our slow day. Our train journey went pretty wellnwe ended up with only one roommate a 20 something girl from Romania livong in Budapest. Maria spoke English and we had a great chat for several hours. She laughed to kill herself when we both became so serious when the Romanian boarder guard came to our canin door. I think this is the first time I uave cleared cusyoms on a train. It was a interesting ecperienf3. The eu hoarder guard check7ng us out of the country had a box to scan the passports on his side about a foot by half foot buy half foot and a stamp. The guy on the o5her side j6st had a note paf and a stamp.anyway oure train is going to he 30 minutes late arriving but generally everything is going great so this was really not so bad of an option.
- comments
Grammie I wanted to let you know I spent the day with Grandson,Ty on Thursday....What a good boy....It was just like my looking after my 2 human grandsons---easy to look after,likes to snuggle,is quiet- never barks at anyone or snaps at them. We both had a good day. Sounds like you 2 guys are having a great time....Have a great time for the rest of the planned time. Looking forward to seeing you when you get back to P.E.I. Love you both !