Well yesterday was an exhausting day but likely only because we got so much in.
We got up at a decent hour, we headed up castle hill. This is the hill that the palace, main church, and most of the fortifications were on. When we reached the top we found ourselves at the president's house with an honour guard looking at us. We then heafed to the far side of the hill to check out the church. When we got there it was rainning so we thought we ought to duck in. We had a look around, there were a lot of renovations going on. It was a gothic cathedral but the decoration was a mix of the ussual saints and angels and geometric patterns.
Then we headed down to the palace which now houses the national art gallery. There were a lot of great paintings there was also also of blah stuff. Mostly pre1900 was amazing, and post 1900 was blah.
After that we went over to the central market and shopped and ate. As alex pointed out later we ate a lot today. I had cabbage roll ane shredded cabbage. Th3 stuffing in the roll was amazing. We split a golash, I knew I could not eat much due to the high paprika content. And alex got langosh a big deep fried dough with stuff on top his was a pizza like langosh with baconk feta, onion, and 8ther toppings. We then went around the market... I will be honest there were not many purchases.
After that we scaled another bigger hill. This one had the citadel on top as well as a monument on top. After looking around up there we scaled back down and headed for the hostel... we onlt went out again around 8 for supper at a hungarian restaurant where we had a great feed of hugarian food including goose, wild meat stew, and others. Then we went to mcdonlds for internet.
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