Today we had a bit of a lie in, but we could have slept for many more hours. We checked out of the hotel, left our bags there, and went to the national museum. We saw the most amazing funeral carts, covered in gold and towering above us. There was a huge room dedicated to the princess, and lots of pottery and buddhas. And pictures of the king, of course. They are everywhere. There was a room full of ivory tusks, some of which had detailed carvings. There was a room of ancient thai warrior armour - christina took a photo for simon so can he can compare his to that of an oriental warrior. We also saw a hedge shaped like an elephant.
We went back to the hotel and met our group again, ready to really start the excursion. We got taxis to the train station (through rush hour...) At the station we again experienced the thai patriotism, as at 6pm everyday everyone stops what they're doing, stands and faces the biggest picture of the king in the room, and listens to the national anthem being blasted over the speakers. Crazy.
We boarded the overnight train shortly after six, and left at around half six. We arrive sometime tomorrow morning, 6am or so. At we're on the train right now! The beds aren't too bad, but the toilets are. Christina had a lovely time experiencing a squat toilet, later discovering that there was a westerners toilet a little further on in the carriage. Lots of (generally unpleasant) smells come in through the window all the time, but it would get so hot if they weren't open. Alex has revealed a little of his magic (sponge balls) and there's no doubt more to come soon.
This may be our last blog for a few days, as we're not sure whether we'll get signal in the jungle. We will blog as soon as we can though. Hope everyone is ok at home, miss you all and love you all
Love Christina and Alex
PS christina is so tired but can't sleep because she's too excited about riding an elephant.
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