"Your journey, you might think has come to an end, I'd like to foresee this just being the beginning! You have done what many only talk and others dream of doing. You have been beguiled by the wonders of the world! The virtue of the bohemians cause is now within you, giving you a perspective for beauty and difference beyond the material that the world pursues. You will always be confident and strong in every decision you make. Each step you take will carry you beyond the length and breadth of those that did not dare. You will look at everything through eyes that will never be satisfied. Your work, your relationships your friends, will never be the same. Don't slow in your journey, make every opportunity count! I look forward to us recounting your experiences and hope that I may take some inspiration from your journey."
Our Friend - Spencer Fuge
One year ago today, Grillz and I landed at JFK airport, New York. After 18 weeks and 4 days travelling this was it, our last stop, the final goodbye. Where better to conclude our journey then the capital of the world, an object of awe, desire, and belittlement, an image both alluring and awakening. A magnet to tourism, yet still a home to eight million people of every race, color, and creed.
This is our tribute to New York and the countries we have made memories from; eternally treasured and never forgotten.
Our days were spent roaming the avenues and streets of New York's boroughs and neighborhoods, cramming in busy days, visiting some of the most famous buildings and places in the land. From Uptown to Downtown, Central Park to Battery Park, Statue of Liberty to Ground Zero, you're constantly overwhelmed looking up and around (definitely up…a lot!). In New York, every object tells a story.
Lets not forget we were broke; the budget was well and truly gone, no matter how much things cost we always ended up with a negative number! Nonetheless, we fully embraced the New Yorkers and lived on subways, pizza-by-the-slice, and for a birthday treat, the most expensive slab of beef ever! You can never forget a birthday when your woken up by Grillz, in the dark, under candle light from a chocolate muffin being melted by a sawn off candle!
The best way to get around the city is by tour bus, absorbing the sights and rain from the open top! Poncho in hand we got a rich understanding of the city and its memorable history from informative born and bred New Yorkers and even a crazy German woman!
Time flew by and in our hearts of hearts, it was getting hard to not start thinking of home; not because we needed to (although you were all greatly missed), but as time grows closer a self-preservation instinct kicks in to prepare you for the transition back to life, back to reality!
We had some great times here; in and around Times Square, ferrying across to Liberty Island to see Lady Liberty herself, watching fireworks over the Brooklyn Bridge and listening first hand to a Journalist who was at the twin towers on September 11th. Nevertheless, the time had come to pack our backpacks for the last time and board our return flight home.
Our journey has ended but it will never leave us; we are a product of our experience, which is why making the most of what we have and the experiences we choose are so important.
Whilst our pictures and words might never express the enjoyment and beauty of what we shared, we hope you enjoyed following our story.
We arrived looking for an experience to remember. We departed with an adventure we will never forget.
Best friends,
Adam & Adam
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