Awoke to the sound of my alarm 9 mins past its original time. I had a monster sleep and was out for the count. Just so happened that one of my ear plugs fell out in the night. Could job it did as I would have never heard it with them both in and the big noisy fan going. Couldn't find a local bus that would take me to the airport so instead had to pay 5 dollars for a taxi! Spent all my remaining kyat in the airport, all I could afford was some chewing gum lol. Arrived in BKK. Found the 59 bus which would take me to KSR. Was good to be back, BKK is really nice. The wifi was also SO fast!!!! Wow it made a change from Burma. The internet there is a joke. Spent the day catching up on things.
Finally updated this blog after months of not doing it. Took all day. Sold two books I finished at a book shop. Got £2.20 for them, not bad I thought lol.
Met up with the lads on the night. They got in late as their plane was late and I wasn't sure where they were. Eventually got a message off Jonas and there were stopping in a hotel a few building along. I knocked on for them and we had a good craic on. Their room was even air conned and had a tv, so coming back into the open air hit you like a wall. We went for some food after. Me and Jonas planned to meet back up if we were in the same part of Loas, and do some rock climbing together.
Knocked on for the lads in the morn and we took a bus into the shopping part of Thailand, and it was really nice and impressive. All futuristic and modern, but vibrant and real. Not cold. We first hit an electronic plaza, 5 floors of nothing but sheer electronics. This place sold everything. However the one thing we were looking for they didn't sell… an ebook reader for Jannik. Apparently you can't get them in Thailand? Odd. Meanwhile Jonas got a new cable for his phone. There was plenty of fakes and rip offs on sale, all cheap imports from China. Afterwards we took a walk round the block to a more general shopping plaza. There was so many nice restaurants and loads of nice cafes selling all types of stuff. Made me just want to blow some moolah and go crazy with it. Made me realise how much I love skran, and that I can eat like a pig. We got a bus to KSR which turned out to be free!!!! Some of the buses in Thailand are obviously government subsidised and they are there for the good of the community etc. Nice.
Back in KSR I bought the Hobbit as I want to read it before I see the films. Also said bye to the lads for the second time.
Gathered my things and headed for the train station, took two buses to get there, one of them being free. I arrived at around 7 and the next train which had 3rd class cabins was at 10, so I had a three hour wait. Bought some cheap sarnies from 7-Eleven and read my book. The time quickly passed. Found my seat and there were also some other tourists with me, some Russians and two South Americans. The train was 2 hours late and in total took 18hours to reach Chiang Mai. I was going to lay myself on the floor at one point and do it Burma style but I saw a cockroach on the floor and decided against it.
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