The Mackem Moocher
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Sunderland, UK

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Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

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Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Phumĭ Kântuŏt, Cambodia
Mam & Dad Wow, that was some adventure. You have done things Mark that most people only dream about. You will have memories that will last forever. We are so proud of you. Xxxx Love you, Mam & Dad.
re: Sunderlandakdjflkjd kkjdfjakjsk You're right I deffo would not like those mad bees! The desert under the stars sounds awesome though. Take care, but keep on having fun. XX Mam
re: JaisalmerMark Laws Yeah India's been amazing so far, its a bit of an attack on the senses at times but the experience you get and the people you meet are like no other. Fingers crossed for SAFC....
re: Varkala BeachDave Ogleby Sounds fantastic Mark, always wanted to go to India. Bring me a take-away on your way back. (Chinese or Thai, if it's not too far out of your way). Try to ignore the footy results from back here.
re: Varkala BeachGlenn Looks like you're having a great time Mark! Keep up the good work. Really touching to read, especially when I have to be up for Uni in 7 hours :( ha. Stay safe, much love x
re: Varkala BeachMam Love reading your blog. I can half imagine I am there. Keep on doing what you are doing. Love you xx mam.
re: Varkala BeachMark Laws Thanks for the messages of support everyone. Hope the SPT camp is going good back home. Haven't got any pics of Trivandrum which is a shame as I didnt have a camera. I bought one just before I left so have started snapping as of Varkala. Will try to upload pics as and when I can. Thanks everyone, everything has been great thus far!
re: TrivandrumJulie Jenkinson It sounds great and you learning as you go which I guess is part of the fun. Keep blogging and sending pics.
re: TrivandrumCarol Stutchbury You sound like an old pro at this travelling malarky already and it sounds like you are having a great time. Have fun and keep posting.
re: Trivandrum- last visited

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Mam & Dad Wow, that was some adventure. You have done things Mark that most people only dream about. You will have memories that will last forever. We are so proud of you. Xxxx Love you, Mam & Dad.