Woke up to a Carnival. Today was revolution day. The second I heard that I thought s***! This boat wants to be on still. The boat was coming at 5 and there was a big commission as to where it was going to come from. All the locals kept on telling us about the tourist boat which leaves in the morning. At 35 dollars we passed. We eventually found it. $9. It was basically a ferry come cargo ship with dozens of oil drums, filled not with oil, but honeycomb. They had no tops on so you could scrape abit off if you wanted, but we were dubious of what was inside the main part of the drum, and betted they were filled with opium. Burma has recently passed Afghanistan as the world's leading opium producer. There was also s*** loads of bags of coal. We went upstairs where it was full of locals all sitting on thin mats the floor with all their belongings. We found a spot and kicked back. There was a kitchen at the back which was good. We eventually went to sleep on the night on the deck. But were awoke at 4 in the morn for morning prayers, which involves one of the people putting a CD on which lasted for half an hour of some geezer enchanting some verses again and again.
Woke up feeling groggy in the hot sun and rock hard floor. On we went and stopped at various villages. There was obviously no ports so to dock the locals would knock a stick in the ground and lob a single line around it, before lobbing a few planks of wood to board the vessel. The boat took on more goods and we explored each village we came to. At one point I stroked to cow who was pulling the cart of stuff and slap! It whipped me in the face with its tail lol, couldn't believe it lol! Got some awesome food though. It's same all over Burma, you get a carton of rice and loads of different types of veg and beans for 50 cents! Bargain. With meat is double at 1 dollar.
As the same as last night the moths were attracted to the bulb on the night, of which there were two. One side got really bad so one of the locals unscrewed in, so they were over to our side, where we were sitting underneath. After a while there soon become more and more moths than normal, and we realised this wasn't ordinary!!!!!! What followed I will never ever ever forget…….. slowly but surely the whole boat got over ran by no exaggeration in this figure… but MILLIONS, yes MILLIONS of moths. In every square cubic cm of space there was a moth that occupied it. We obviously took our bulb out but downstairs where the cargo was, the lights were still on. It was sheer carnage. There was so many there was a sea of them on the floor. We eventually put trousers on, tucked into socks, zipped a hoodie around our face and tried to get some kip. Was almost nodding off when Jonas screamed something, and told Ben to hit a light quick! There which had crawled over his was a gigantic millipede. After that for some reason the moths seemed to get worse and I couldn't nod off, there were everywhere! So I moved to a darker spot, hopping they wouldn't be attracted as much due to the lower light.
Everyone started to leave the next day where eventually we were the only ones left on the boat. For some reason they had put the prices of the food up on the boat, so we all made a decision to hand fire and buy food ashore when we stopped off. That showed them! We killed time and played some cards, and learnt a good new game. Finished my book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? The book that became Bladerunner. Arrived and got taxi to yoe yoe lay. I wanted to leave straight away on a train and not have to spend $10 for accommodation, but Jannik said he really needed some rest so we decided to go. Was nice to shower and get some wifi. We all got juice and fruit on arrival too.
Bought some more 'tinny' as I had the s***s. Magic that stuff. The people in the guesthouse were really getting annoying too. They were just too nice! It was just too much. Had last super with ben. Got taxi to train station, I wanted to walk! The train was only 8 hours, but again it was the park bench. It shook like crazy as well! WORSE than before, meaning it was impossible to knock off. We again took a taxi which I wasn't too happy about, which they also pulled us over an some archaeological office where we had to pay $15. I was fuming!!!!! I knew we didn't even need one, we were only going into town. There didn't even get checked. We eventually stumped up.
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