I woke up fully clothed. I don't want to dwell on this fact just getting it out there so we can move on - sign of a good night!
Anyway.. Cooking! So nice and early we go to this cooking place where we are going to learn how to make 4 traditional Thai dishes. We were allowed to go to the market to pick up the ingredients we needed which would be amazing. If you weren't dying from the previous nights escapades! I didn't mind walking through the fruit and veg bit, however as soon as it becomes meaty and there are fish and pig tongues that is when I feel more fragile than ever before and realise my stomach isn't what it was when I was 18..
Oh god - hilarious moment. Picture this.. Walking through the fish bit and there is literally a table full of eels maybe? I'm just causally strolling through and this thing jumps and the splash back covered my leg. Like actually covered. From top to bottom in fish juice. How impressed do you think I was?! It was just one of those moments you could never recreate but I will never forget..
I made authentic green Thai chicken curry, prawn and veg soup, prawn, egg and veg patthai (noodles) and sticky rice with mango! I've eaten it, I'm still alive so there is still hope! Ohhhh and I got a certificate! Win.
After the exciting morning, the lobby mattress was calling me.. I responded by starfishing and watching taken 2 until I began to feel human again! We made a bit of an effort that evening as we found a decent restaurant. It was so nice to feel clean and as if I was on holiday, put on a nice dress, let the hair down. I almost forgot I was living out of a rucksack and was only a dirty clean still!
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