Hello Bangkok! I have arrived!! We landed at around 9pm and soon realised that it was very different to China! I got a free visa instead of the steep £90 I paid to get into China for starters! As well as that, they understand what we say! There is a language barrier, no doubt about that, but it's just a lot less of a barrier than it was before! After waiting for the other girls we bartered with the taxi man and made our way to the hostel.
As we only reserved a place at the hostel, we had lost our beds due to it being about half 2 in the morning so we slept on the mattresses in the lobby! It was such a cool hostel though! You aren't allowed to wear your shoes and it's just so chilled and laid back! Everyone just congregates on the mattresses in the lobby and watch films or just listens to music. Today's film was Ted! We decided that seeing as we spent our first day just monging out, we should actually go out and experience the nightlife! So we did a little bit of pre drinking and made our way to the strip! Found a bar fairly quickly and ordered the drinks.. This night can only go one of two ways.. Guess what way..?!
On the table next to us, there was a group of young Chinese people smoking a shisha doing some crazy dance so thinking we were funny we started to copy them! Obviously they saw (we had consumed alcohol, it was never going to be subtle!) and luckily found it funny then taught us how to do it!! It was only fair we showed them how us westerners did things so we all stood up and whacked out the ol' inbetweeners dance moves. It went down an absolute treat. I can hear you all asking, so yes, there is video evidence of this moment. No it isn't going on Facebook but we can come to some arrangement if you need to see it..
After that we accidentally ended up in a club. It was called 'the club' .. How original. At least it wasn't false advertising!? We decided to wait half hour before getting a drink because then they were two for one! So while we were waiting, minding our own business, the Chinese kids we had met before appeared on this stage kinda thing, spotted us and then myself and jade happened to be up there, again with the inbetweeners dance moves showing the people how to really dance! After drinking some more vodka and fruit juice obviously.. we decided we needed food and bed. So instead of my standard footlong, I could only treat myself to 3 spring rolls and a chocolate and banana pancake which hit the spot! Who even wants a subway when you have street food!?
We got back to the hotel, chatted for a bit with some of the other backpackers and then just about made it to bed.. Which is handy because in 6 hours, there is a Thai cooking lesson I have said I will attend. I never think these things through fully!
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