After waking up on my second sleeper train, I can't pretend I didn't miss my bed a little bit. Realising that once you have woken up, you can't actually sit up without head butting the bunk above is more disappointing that you can imagine. Can't complain though, at least this train had water left in the morning so I could clean my teeth..
After a peaceful drive (re-read that in a sarcastic voice..!) through the suburbs of the old city we arrived at our hotel and luckily for us the inside was a lot nicer than the outside. They are definitely getting better though.. I can full on star fish in this bed! Like I can't complain the hotels we have stayed in have been good and always have wifi so what else do I need?! A McDonald's breakfast maybe? #stillstarving.
After the accidental nap, we all took a stroll into the Muslim quarter where there was a market street, mosque and a starbucks. Obviously, because they go hand in hand..
I did however manage to get some nice little presents that I've now realised I have to carry with me for another 10 days until I can ship them from Hong Kong! Love it when a plan is well thought out!
Tonight was probably the most successful night in terms of chopstick usage.. There was an initial concern for my welfare as I was convinced I would starve but now I've mastered scooping and stabbing. Both very successful methods of eating Chinese cuisine!
Now, early to bed ready for another exciting day tomorrow.. It's like Christmas everyday here!
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