Woke up bright and early today and was feeling massively productive! We only had until half 2 so I managed to book myself a flight from Hong Kong to Bangkok and find myself a 5* hostel! There was, for a slight moment, the feeling of being an actual adult after sorting things out without my dad. Proud Laura!
Not wanting to waste the day myself and Jade thought we would go explore the French Concessions somewhere in Shanghai. Obviously we were feeling brave as we didn't take a map and ended up talking so much we missed about three turns we defiantly needed to make! We found the Metro, managed to buy a ticket and go ourselves to a new part of town.. In the end, we admitted defeat and went to the 7* hotel and the guy gave us a map and circled where we were and what we wanted to see!
We got another Metro (basically like locals right now) and ended up right in the heart of it.. This was so worth the numerous metros and lost looks! We found THE most amazing ice cream shop where they scoop up the ice cream onto a massive tray and throw other ingredients in and mix with what is basically a shovel. Best breakfast ever to be honest.. On the way back we came across a H&M and a legitimate Marks and Spencer's (that had a food section!!!). So we did a little sale shopping and then ended up accidentally buying bourbons and shortbread and it was the best £2 we have ever spent! The downside to the naughty English purchase was that we were now craving all sorts of crazy English food that we definitely can not find in Marks and Spencer's.
then it's back to the train station for round 2 of this sleeper train business. Not sure I'm a fan of it yet.. I will tell you in 16 hours how that one went..
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