It was so much fun oversleeping and then having to repack an entire rucksack AGAIN (I want the capital letters to enforce the fact this had been done many times previous) in just 15 minutes. It seemed to work in my favour as everything did fit in.. just seemed to have gained an extra 20kg. Not cool.
After going an seeing the temple of heaven (again, important, famous, theres an explanation on my camera!) we did our cultural five minutes then took a stroll to a market where the fun bit isn't shopping but bartering. Pretending you have no money so they basically give you stuff for £1 is harder than it looks. Proud to say I am the owner of legitimate chopsticks for just £2. Housewarming present for the house I don't own yet!
As a well done to myself for doing so well I treated myself to some real Chinese style beef and noodles with extra soup for free.. got to use a funky little spoon. It's the little things in life..
The lack of sleep and probably food was now starting to take its toll but I had the perfect opportunity on catch up on the required beauty sleep as I was on my first (out of 5) sleeper train journey. This could only end one way..
Next stop - Shanghai!
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