It´s Wednesday morning in Heidelberg. We spent the last two days running all over town. Colin (Claire´s 12 year old cousin) has been a very excited tour guide and we have been everywhere.
On Monday it drizzled a little and we went to book our ticket to Zagreb - 13 hours on a train overnight in a cabin of 6. I hope they brought earplugs. Despite raining it was still flipping hot and I spent the morning under an umbrella, in shorts, trying to take photos. We walked all the way from M&Ms house (one road away from the heiliggeistkirche) to Bismark platz which is about 2km, getting taken in and out of churches, colin´s old schools and game stop an interesting and eclectic tour.
The late afternoon brightened up and we wandered onto the old bridge to get some nice view of the town and castle. Claire got her photo taken with the bridge monkey. Even colin wasn´t really sure what connection it had with the bridge but it looked nice.
Tuesday involved more walking (already had and burst one set of blisters). We walked up the hill opposite heidelberg down these high walled footpaths straight out of the labyrinth (the 80s movie with David Bowie not the greek myth). Saw a massive stag beetle that had only moments before had a go at a little jack russel, now that´s a fight I would have loved to see.
Anyway after walking, sitting, walking, sitting our way up and back we met colin at lunch time outside his school and he took us to zuckerland. A shop full of old and new sweets, imagine charlie and the chocolate factory meets nightmare before christmas. It was amazing, the owner was very funny and claire had to play a game before she could by anything... I went outside at this point (to stop from laughing) and I´m not sure what happend next but she had a big smile on her face when she came out and extra sweets and souvenirs.
After that we went Geocaching around Heidelberg, which made Colin´s afternoon sneaking and creeping around the big tourist areas.
Today we are going to look at a student jail and a museum before packing our bags and saying good by to Heidelberg. Its been fun.
Mr P
- comments
Gillian Nicholas Great time the informative blog....keep them coming! X
yvette sumner It's great you both have the oppurtunity to do this together,please keep us informed very interesting. take care xxx
Andrew Moran Post lots and lots of pictures :)