If I had to describe my time here, I'd compare it to being Peter Pan in Neverland. Living free in a world with no responsibilities. The main difference I see between the two worlds are rules. Australia (and Western society in general) is based around rules and order. Over here, anything goes. It tends to bring out the best and worst in people. Mainly the worst. For me, fulfilling boyish desires of motorbiking shenanigans and exploring some unknown and exotic world. For others, over-indulgence in the cheap and easy access to sex, drugs, and alcohol.
Everything is just so....easy. For instance, this morning on the ride to work my clutch cable snapped. If the same thing had happened to me back in Australia, I'd be looking at like $50 in repairs. Luckily this is not back home. I simply walked it to the streetside mechanic who was about a minute away (they can be found on just about any big street in the city). I pointed out the broken cable and he understood straight away, whipping out a little plastic stool for me to sit on. About three dollars and three minutes later my bike was all fixed. If only things back home were so easy!
It's really easy to get stuck in a place like this. Too easy actually. Life here is exciting, easy, cheap, and you're pretty much free to live the lifestyle you choose. Some people find that they are unable to go home and resume the 'normal' lives they lead before they left the 'real' world. They just can't fit back in to their old lives.
Anyway, I'm real glad I came here at a young age before uni. I have something to go back to, which makes all the difference. But I'd say that this is the perfect place for someone with no commitments or ambitions. Life here really is something else.
I'm really starting to feel that I'm coming to the beginning of the end of my time here. It's just about certain now that I will be moving to Melbourne shortly after coming home in April. I've got the same feeling about it as I did about Saigon before I came here. It's one those things where you just know it's right, even though you can't explain it for any specific reason.
God, I'm gonna miss this place though. Best thing I did in my life, coming here.
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