Well here I am and finally up to date on my blog. Back in Bangkok, for the third time now, and it's now beginning to feel like a saftey net in a way, somewhere that I'm beginning to get to know a little vetter each time I visit. So, with today being my birthday, we decided to make it to the tiger temple for the day. It certainly hasn't felt like a birthday, but thanks to those for the cards etc, I appreciate it. But then again, I don't particularly want to age another year, and if I have to I'd much rather be doing it in another country. Preferably a hot one where it is sunny. Unfortunately, today it rained. Of all the days. More fortunately, it wasn't torrential, and it did pass, but still, it managed to dampen spirits slightly.
An early start this morning, and a visit to the floating market was our first stop. Piled into a tiny boat, that at the slightest movement threatened to flip over and land us in the waters amongst the water monitors and sea snakes, we tried to remain as still as possible. Our boats were of the longtail variety, and it felt as though we were actually sitting in the water. We glided amongst the hundreds of other boats, both sellers and other tourists out to buy, as sellers attempted to reign us in towards their boat housing their goods, whilst other boats pushed and promted us out of the way so they could get through the crowds.
We didn't buy anything, but it was good to see, and a fantastic photo opportunity, ranging from haggered faces trying to sell their food whilst cooking it onboard their boat, yet still smiling through their wrinkled years, to young and trendy things, groomed and styled to perfection selling lighters and other gadgets aimed sloely at tourists.
After the standard boat ride around the market, which was admittedly much smaller than I had anticipated, we were free for an hour or so to explore at our own pace, or had the option of going to see a snake show. We chose the latter, on the basis that we had no cash to spare and no room in our rucksacks.
I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from a 'cobra show', and I thought a bit of snake charming would be all there was to it. What I wasn't expecting was to see a fight between a mongoose and a cobra, and snakes literally been thrown in the air. It was actually quite isturbing and cruel, certainly not enjoyable. I felt sorry for the snakes, I don't suppose they enjoy being tormented the way they were, or caught by someone's mouth, - that was just bizarre. It's an experience I won't be repeating again, although I did learn some (useful) facts, including, that snakes are deaf; and that a cobra can produce venom every five minutes. Fascinating.
Away fromt eh snakes and on toward the more furry variety. En route to the tiger temple, we made a pit stop to see the Bridge on the River Kwai, which was built to link Thailand with Burma. I feel I should probably now much more about this bridge, as it is quite well known, but unfortunately I don't. perhaps I will read up.
Now, for the tigers, the thing I had been waiting for all day. The tigers, are alledgedly orphaned tigers, that have and are continuing to be raised by monks, to hopefully be successfully be re-released into the wild. How successful this is, I'm unsure, the monastry didn't offer this information. I am however, going to look into this, as there are volunteer opportunities available at the temple, however, I would only be willing to consider this, if I knew the programme was being successful, and the tigers were treated with the upmost care and respect. However, while we there we enjoyed ourselves, and got to pet and get up close with these amazing creatures. The cubs were incredibly cute, and I took one for a walk, or rather it lead me. They were so beautiful, and so mischevious, climbing onto the walls, and play fighting with one another. It was brilliant being so close to them, their paws the size of our faces! I wanted to take one home. It was definately worthwhile, and if I were to volunteer, I would love it to be with animals like these!
Lucy treat me to a lovely tea, and an even better dessert, - banana pancakes, with ice cream and chocolate sause. Mmm. Well, thats's another birthday over with.
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