Happy Christmas to you both. Have a great day. Love Gail, Emma and Clare x
Jo And Tom
Thought we would post a message on our website to wish you all a
Very Merry Christmas and an even Happier New Year !!
Thanks for all you support over the last few months and look forward to staying in touch for the next year or so xxx
Jo And Tom
Thought we would post a message on our website to wish you all a
Very Merry Christmas and an even Happier New Year !!
Thanks for all you support over the last few months and look forward to staying in touch for the next year or so xxx
Yeah i got the job working for Cirque De Soleil. Im going to be a VIP Representative, which basically means i to get to rub shoulders with the rich and famous in the VIP tent woohoo. That is of course if i can recognise any famous kiwis urm like Russell Crowe. Should be good fun i start on the 4th Jan and get to watch the dress rehearsal for free and possibly many of the shows. Cant wait. Hope everyone is well and getting all geared up for crimbo !!!!
Jo & Tom
Managed to get online and update the website at long last ! i have added a postcard so you can read that. Hope to hear from you soon take care. Oh CONGRATUILATIONs to My Brother Adam and his grilfriend Lisa, they got engaged last weekend, and they have promised no babies or wedding until i get home...whenever that may be ...its so exciting !!!! xxxx
Tom & Barbara
Hi Jo and Tom
Like the website. We follow your adventures with interest. Keep on truckin
Tom & Barbara
Tom & Jo
There is a picture of a frog!!!
Jo And Tom
Finally we manage to get onto the website its been a nightmare ! Well thanks to all those who have left us messages in the past 9 months and we hope you have enjoyed looking at the photos. We are in the process of trying to download more but having real trouble so it could take a while. Some photos will be duplicated as we are just going to start from the beginning and might not delete othe ones already on. Sorry we havent been leaving messages but with email we kinda forget. So hopefully, the next few months will be a little different. xxxxx
Happy Birthday mate!
Hope all is well with you both.
Gail, Emma And Clare
Happy Birthday Tom, have a great day. Love Gail, Emma and Clare x
Clare Emma And Gail
hi guys we just thought we would say hi and cant wait for some more photos loads of love clare emma and auntie gail