Happy Birthday Jo, have not had time to look at photos yet. We are off to France on Friday to meet up with Allison Neil Molly and Thomas. They have got a gite just south of the river Loire and we are staying in a very nice camping site about 5 k away with swimming pool etc. Hope you have a great birthday love to Tom and Frank.
Barbara & Roy
Hi Jo and Tom
Fantastic Pics wish I could travel, all looks wonderful.
Happy Birthday Jo! Hope you celebrate in style.
Keep having fun. Soniaxxx
Brian Edmonds
hi tom hope you are all well played cricket and we havbe a new boy called shane who is better than you so hurry up and come home to prove we are wrong i have been scoring well this season lot of not outs , see you soon Brian Edmonds
Tom & Barbara
Hi Jo & Tom
Can't help thinking we should visit Oz again, we have some fond memories of our last visit
Love Tom & Barb
Hi Jo and Tom,
Looks like you are having a fantastic time, the pictures are great. Hope you manage to catch up with Nick whilst he is out there.
Lis xxx
Clare Bear
hi jo and tom hope you are both well. i thought i would let you know that i have just got back from my holiday in turkey and had an amazing time. i am just about to look at the latest pics i hope there are some good ones. love clare bear
Cousin Nick!
Hi Guys hope your adventures are going well. I'm currently offshore 1hr from melbourne. Just like North Sea weather! I'll be heading back onshore in melbourne around 22nd July, any chance you will be around to meet up? Let me know I need a beer! Btw the security guard at the heliport - Essendon Airport, Melbourne, knew of another Yarr living around the corner. lol Take care. Nick
Has it got to the stage where we don;t want to be associated with you?
Hope all is well with you both xx
Hi kids I think everyone has forgotten you as you have been away for such a long time. I haven't going by last months phone bill. Hope to speak on landline soon. Come on everyone where are your messages xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Komodo Dragons sounded good. Glad you were told how to run for it. Love Gail
Hi, Jo and Tom. I hope you still remember me, we meet when on the way to Mt. Bromo - west java indonesia, see my picture when I trip to Ijen and Alas purwo national park.. from here, I'm goto Yogya work as valunteer for earthquake..and I get a picture mt. merapi too.
see at my website http://odesya.multiply.com/photos