Thought i better jump on this message board thing! Just letting you know that we are totally missing you at cirque (and our email banter during work of course)! Wish you had both been here on sunday as we had the big party, absolutely hilarious think 6 of us in matching orange taffeta dresses.....! And not to mention benoit in a geeky suit with a vest and hair slicked in a side part and glasses - it was awesome! (But on the serious gossip side, nikki left too!) anyway, still no call about a parcel so not too sure what to do, and i do have that AA card for you! Hope you are having a wicked time, take care!
xx j
Dutch Knickers
Hey Jo and Tom!
How are you? Just to let you know i still envy you... a lot... I absolutely loved Queenstown! One of the best places in NZ. Remember to go rafting and jump of the Remarkables on a delta-wing! Absolutely awesome! Keep up the good traveling adventures! See ya!
Charly N Cher
hey guys
Wish we were there! Now I remember what drizzle is.
dont forget to go on a jet boat whilst out there
Jill Davidson
Hi to you both, seems ages since you were here in Oz. Christmas come and gone!! Gald you are having a fantastic time and I'm sure it has been good to have your sister Tom out there with you. A little bit of home eh? Here we are all OK Pete went to the cricket on Sunday and watched the Aussis's get a beating Yes!!! I watched in on TV, it was a sweet victory after the awful tests. I text Pete around 9 30 and asked how he was going amongst all the Aussies and he text back "no worrries they have gone home!!" Julie likes her new job but not her boss, we'll see how it goes. Frank was around oln Sat, looking for something to do, Di had said she was busy again so he was on the loose. I think he went home to have a lay down and probably didn't wake up til late. The kids have gone back to school, Jordan started full time and she looks so cute in her uniform. I have booked my trip back home for June 8th till 26th Aug. So will look up your folks. Well must go, take care of yourselves, have a great life. Love Jilll xx
Jo- It's been so wonderful working with you (and being trained by you) at Tower. Thank you for your patience and kindness...and for not slapping me when I asked a million and one stupid questions. I will definitely miss your smiling face sitting next to me, as well as your jokes and conversation.
You better keep in touch! I'll miss you lots! Have a wonderful time exploring the globe! Best wishes always!
There is this annoying presence at my side.......2 b continued :-)
we will miss you @ Tower!!!!
you always brightened up my day and somehow we always managed to muddle everything out together.
have a fantastic time travelling round our beautiful country
i'l miss your razor sharp wit and huge laugh
luv lulu
Jo And Tom
Hi guys we change our minds and has paid the renewal fee so you lot better start using it more ! We will find some time to update the photo albums but its a little trickie to find a internet cafe where you can concentrate as the Asisans love their computer games
We are leaving auckland on the 30th Jan to start our 3 week adventure with Tic and Shane and we cant wait....
What about all the photos everybody likes looking at them. So dont be so thight must be worth a few bob all this work you are both doing so keep the pics comming.
Don't be so tight!
If you don;t subscribe you won;t be able to read messages like this!!
Jo And Tom
Well this could very well be the final message posted onto our website as our membership is due and i dont think we are going to continue with it. Because most of dont bother leaving messages !! probably my fault as i send emails as well so sorry. But still thanks to all those who leave the odd message everynow and again its been great hearing from you. So for now we are still in New Zealand and plan to be until Dec 07 !!! unless anything drastic happens and we come home - boo hoo !!
Clare Emma And Gail
Happy new year jo and tom. we hope its a fab one. loads of love clare emma ang gail