Mate I hope your send off drink up went well and again I am sorry i couldn't make it but the promise of seeing Santa Clause was too tempting to miss - he made it snow inside the Mayflower !!
Good luck to both of you and look after each other.
Jo Jo
Just wanted to write you a message to say we all miss you already! Have a wonderful time and think of us in gorgeous, sunny England!!!!!
Tom - make sure you take care of her!! I need her words of wisdom still!!!
Love you loads xxx
Hi Jo, Sorry I did'nt make your do yesterday. Hope you had a good time. Just a little message to wish you good luck, bon voyage etc. Have lots of fun and enjoy yourself. Safe journey.
Yo joda!!! Just thought that i would post a quick message to say hi !!!! Heard that you were very excited today on the phone so you must be looking forward to your travels!! Also loked at your picture board and saw u looking a little worse for wear in some of them (namely the ones in Amsterdam!!!). Anyway must stop with the verbal crap. Hope you have a wicked time & keep in touch.
Sorry i couldnt make it to your leaving do!! Have fun both of you.
We all had a good look at the new years eve party to.....Ha Ha
Nice photos! I guess 'the beach' is on your route and I can just about make out Jo in the background but the one of you Tom is a little hairy!! Happy travels!!!
Well I thought i'd have a play too ! Just to makesure I knew what I was doing just in case I manage to trade Tom in for something a bit better !! he he he
Just thought I'd lead the way on the message front!! Hope all you lot we've left behind leave the odd message every now and then even if it's just your orders for Thai ladyboys!!! Ha Ha.