It has been ages since we have heard from you, so thought we would check your site! It all looks amazing, we are glad your having such a great time. I can't believe it has been over a year now, time is flying by! No big news our end other than we are moving. Still in Barnham, but a 3 bed, we will fianlly have more than one room to play with! When are you heading home??
Take care.
Lisa and John xxxx
Mum B
Hi the photos are very impressive it was lovely to see you and Tic together and having a good time its going to take you a long time to sort out the photos when you eventually get home but it will be fun, take care will text again soon. lots of love Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Linda Ashley
Kiaora - Many many photos and so little time! You've certainly been motoring around the world!
Of course as we told you when you visited in Auckland there is no such place as Orere so thanks for using the pretend name so that others will not think to look up the mystery destination on a map or try to visit. Great team, for keeping the secret.
Michael and I look forward to seeing you on your return to Auckland and we hope that you are enjoying beautiful Aotearoa on the road. Take care
Haere ra (as they say around here)
Only got through one half of one lot of photos, they are ace though. Tatts and peircings - what will your mothers say!!
Speak soon, lots of love xxx
Great photos took ages to look through them all really envious. I think Mum might freak out when she sees them keep on going.Love Dad.PS dont forget Timaru for Clive.
Hi Joeby & Tom,
Great to hear of your adventures, when do you think you'll be back in the real world of working!!!!! I cant believe how long you have both been away.
I'm leaving the Portman in August might come out and join you for a couple of months!
Take care both of you
All my Love
The Vixter
Hello my little Joda moda! Sorry I have not been in touch for a while. Apologies!
The farm sounds cool but did any of the animals not scare you a bit? Or did you show them the good ol' Brit tradition of cow tipping?
Anyway luv its good to see that you are both well and enjoying yourselves. I will send you an email. Love the Vixter.
Hi Jo and Tom Got too used to the private emails, well will start using the message board. The Pictures are great, hope you are still having a great time. It's ok for the people that have email at work. I have to wait till I get home. Keep having fun will send an email to you at the weekend. Soniax
Hi Jo & Tom, reading about all your adventures has made me jealous, so I'm of to China. I shall miss your emails and guess i will have to look on here in future. Take care and keep enjoying yourselves. love Uncle graham x
You Crazy bungy fools!! Good on you though, good old elastic.
Miss you, have sent you an email xxxxxx
Jo And Tom
Hay guys thats more like it keep the messages coming it makes it all worth while. Just added another postcard so have a read im sure you will be surprised ! Hope all are well and hear from you soon xxxx
Hey you guys!!!
wow just managed to catchup on your travels...sounds amazing and im still soo soo jealous. cant wait to see the next lot of photos!! Missing you heaps Jo but still no gossip!!!! will send an email soon to fill you in on the latest!!!!! Cant believe you've been gone over a year, blimey how time flys!!! anyhoo gotta go..speak soon!! love ya! Lorna