Hi guys!!! We have added more photos to the NZ albums and a new blog entry is on there as well. Go and check it all out and tell us what you think!!
Hi Jo Hi Tom,
When are you two going to join the real world and work for a living????? Photos are fab I'm really jealous of the both of you! nothing much happening here still the same although the weather has been fab for the last month or so.Im off on holiday in the next few weeks, cant wait.
Speak soon
Take care
Lots of love
Faye Cooper
Hey Guys!!
Thought I'd just leave a quick message...STILL in Perth working hard. Be here till May, will head back over to Melbs (via the train this time ) with Ben ( Guy I met over here from Manchester) Had I mentioned him before??Looks like I'll finally be heading home in june. Haven't had time to look at all your pics (will do) but what I have seen are amazing, made me realise mine are c rap!! Tom, you look very different with a beard!
Take care guys. Be in touch again soon.x
Hi Jo & Tom,
Hope Queenstown and surrounds were all you were hoping they would be. Did you get to Glenorchy? It would have to be one of the most beautiful places on earth - especially in winter, you will have to visit it then. Was so sorry to see you both go, but have lots more excellent adventures. Jay says they can probably find a space for you when you hit Wellington, so call them a day or two before. Still no word about the job in Waikato, will keep you posted. Cheers from Moonlight, happy trails.
Hi guys, thought id put a meaage on my own board. Well we finally tore ourselves away from Moonlight Farm (Boo..Hoo..) and now heading back to Queenstown, so who knows what we will get up to there...Tom for a bungy maybe...but dont hold your breath ! Going up Mount Cook (you cant actually climb that one) just for a looksie then not too sure...So keep checking out the site to find out what we are up to next...Take it easyxxx
Hi Jo and Tom
Taken ages to look through the photos, they are fantastic! Really jealous about the snow and the Whales. Are you staying in NZ or going on anywhere else? Take care and keep having lots of fun.
Linda Ashley
Great to see you still enjoying the scenic south and hopefully the weather is not too autumnal. Have you been to watch the whales yet?
We are both well as the veggie gardens deals sadly with the changing seasons - no more home grown tomotoes and the supermarket ones just don't match up.
Well do look us up if you're back this way.
kia kaha,
Hi to you both, good to know that your adventure is going so well for you both. What a trip!! Do you every think you will settle down after all this travelling, it is certainly a marvellous education. Here we are all ok, you heard that Tina's ex friend got 20 years life I expect. It was joy all round at Di's. Frank didn't make work the next day, what's new you say?? Are you coming back here or is it a one way round to home? Must confess to have forgotten the details. I tried that Face book but couldn't get the thing to work sorry guys. Only 2 and bit months to my trip home, can't wait. Where to next my intriped travellers? Take care love Jill
Hi Tom & Jo
Just thought it was about time to try this message board and say hi. Have been getting through the pics. Don't know about that giant elastic band though!!
Wow... thanks so much for all your messages its great ! I hope you are all enjoying the photos and dont forget to check out the blogs every now and again. Keep on smiling xxx
Hi guys
Sorry about that.
Trying to send this message from my hospital bed in St Richards!
Stacked it Snowboarding and am in for a few days sorting my knee out!
Though have just managed to read all of your NZ blogs and catch up with what you've all been up to.
Very jealous and very impressed Jo with the tandem bungy jump with Tic!
Not too sure whether I would go though with that?!?