Hello everybody! Yeeeey I can get this working again! Joyous days!!
God I have so much to tell you all abnd won't be able to rememeber what I have done, But I have left Siagon and now in a placer called Hoi An which is awesome but I tell you about that place soon.
When we were in Siagon we went to the vietnam war museum- which obviously I fouind incredibly interesting and had half the group asking me questions about the war ebcasue they didn't know a lot about it- so I feltl ikea grade A geek! We also visited the Cu Chi tunnels which were used by gueriilas in the war, to escape from the US dropping Napalm. The video we watched before was some insane propagnda that made me giggle! It was bascially this video of "deee buuuutiful country siiiide of Cu Chi" then showed this girl all happy and making pretty things for her family and then, in a sense, said "Den De American's bombed the hell out of ourbuuutiful conutryside" and this girl got an award for killing all these American Soilders! It was amazing for me to see both sides of the story! The tunnels were insane- I couldn't believe that the the Cu chi tribe managed to fit in these tiny holes!! (have a look on my facebook to see the holes- and if you can't go on facebook, I will try to put them on here!) Saigon was beeping central with motorbikes, and seriously scary traffic. They hasd zebra crosings there, but god knows for what! They didn't stop at all and just beeped at us when they went over them becasue they expected us to move! It was an obstacle course everytime! The traffic there was CRAZY!! Somany motorbikes, I was amazed everytime I saw them!
After Saigon we got a night train to Nha trang which is where they are holding the Miss Universe competition as our new leader Luu keeps informing us... it's an ok place. Went to an awsome Mud bath there and hot mineral spings- that was very enjoyable! We were only there for one night and then got another night train to hoi An, which is where I am now. With lots of bugs and lizards around me on the walls. I keep flicking them off like some crazy loon, and all the locals keep on looking at me like I have some sort of tourettes!
Hoi An is shoppers paradise and a potential Tally killer!! There are so many pashmninas, clothes, dresses, jackets!! I have bought a dress, suit and shirt here, all tailor made! AMAZIING!! I won't say theprice, I will be a loser and putphotos up on facebookand you can all guess the amazing price I bought it for! (Again if you don't have facebook I will tyr and put them up here- not that you really care about the clothes I have bought!)
It probably looks like that I haven't done many cultural things here, not nearly as many as Cambodia, ourleadeder isn't as good as Savath which is a shame, nd we are doing things more independtly. We only have him until Hanoi so we are all hoping we get a better leader there. I ahve done lots here, but because of the awful connection I can't rememeber all the stuff I have done!
Vietnam is good (although Cambodia is still winning it for me!). So hot here, gettin ridiculous now! looked up the weather and apparently it was 33 degrees, but becasue of the humidity it feels like 37 degrees... good lordy!!
Anywhoo... not a lot else to say! gettin tired now! and missing you all lots... still!!
Let me know how you all are- too many of you to write to individually!!
lots of love Tally xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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