Hahaha I love how you write like you talk...made me laugh!
Can't believe you are only half way through...it feels like forever :( this is the longest we haven't seen each other since knowing each other. NOT COOL :(
Still - sounds like you are having an awesome time and although I miss you there's no need to hurry back because its raining loads over here!
LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey sweetie so gl@d ur h@ving @ gre@t time very je@lous, loved ur blogs lol t@ke c@re much love jordon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey tally !! Sounds like ure havin an amazing time & livin the dream, im very jealous!! U keep enjoying yourself and make the most of it.
take care
Susie xxx
Awww thanks for all teh messages guys :) I've only just seen I have some!!
Can't update my blog atm- the site is being a loser :(
miss you all tons xxxxxxxxxxxx
Louise A
Hello....sounds like your having a fab time - i'm totally jealous, would love to be back in south east asia. Look forward to hearing more xx
Hahaha I love your blogs..
Crazy lady stroking your legs followed by a Russian market in Cambodia?! and the shopaholic in you is fizzling out?! That last thing can't be possible!!!!! We need a trip from JW to Tesco and you will be back spending money in no time!
Either way - sounds like you are having an amayonaising time. Fingers crossed your next guide is a legend too!
Lots of love xxxxxxxx
Danny B
Hey lovely girl. sounds like your having an amazing time! :) keep having fun.
Dawn Powell
Hello gorgeous Girl! So glad you are having a fabulous time!
Love you loads
Dawnie. xxxxx
Lizzie Tottie
hey me and my friend are heading out to Thailand at the start of Aug, we're a group of girls so if you have ant tips would love to hear from you!! we are wanting to have the beat time poss!! have a wicked trip!! xx