(We did this yday) I am sitting in the oddest internet place with the slowest ever interent. We got up at 6am (I had no sleep before bloody body) and travelled to the border with a dodgey driver who decied to overtake whenever it suited him, regardless of the traffic coming towards us. So we finally arrive at the border after 4 hours iwith the driver - who kept singing in this weird high pitch voice! The border was really odd another country almost! Had lunch and then headed to the border which was basically two offices- one to get out of thailand which was nce and air conditioned and then one which was to get us into cambodia- which to be honest was HORRIBLE. No air con- in 34 degrees- sweaty as hell. And it took forever! we stood inline for 40 mins in this horrid room!!
After this we went to the happy house- which is the new word for toilet around here, and good lord it was interesting- nice gross squat.... mmmm wovery.
We then headed to our bus... our first bus was described as a 5* bus, where as this bus was 3*... it was so cramped!! all our bags were stuffed in the back and then we were stuffed in the middle!! with two each side and then a fold down seat in the middle! The road we took was called the dancing road, this was because it was the bumpiest road we had ever been on! was actually hilarious! The road was bascially a dirt track, for four hours. It was fascinating though, the area of cambodia was incredibly poor- I knew the country was poor, but this was a whole new level. Dirt shacks, suddenly followed by huge houses because the country is so corrupt. This road was scray- but at least we can laugh about it, he went so near the edge it was terryfying! and also had invcredbly long nails!! Savaht, our guide, annoced ourb hostel was 15 mins away, he sits back down and the bus doesn't move. We bloody break down on the dodgiest road ever! He didn't fill up with petrol!! So we had to wait another 20 mins or so- in the monsoon with amazing lightning for him to get the petrol!
We finally arrived at our hostel and then go out for dinner- which was delicu\ious, the food here is lush.
Today we went to Ankow wat - I have hilarious tan lines on my feet! just blocks of tan! Ankoe wat was amazing, but So SO hot. But nice! There were so may children wanting us to buy things from them- it's so different here, but I am enjoying it! We are staying in siem reap for a couple more nights and then heading off.
Missing you all!! ad loving you all.
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