Sorry it has taken me so long to update my blog. I've had a really busy week. Since I've last updated I've done so much:Last Thursday we headed back into the city. Alana, Mary Beth and I went to FitzroyGardens where we saw Cook's Cottage (that would be Captain Cook, the man who discovered Australia). The garden was really beautiful also, so we spent a lot of time just walking around it checking out all of the fountains and stuff. We also went to Olympic Park, where they held the Melbourne Olympics once upon a time. We ended up on a bus that took us around a tour of the city. It was pretty cool. The city has this free bus and you just jump on and they give you a tour of all the major parts of the city, which was nice because now we have an even bigger list of all the things we want to do when we go back.Friday we left for Cairns. Our flight was supposed to leave Melbourne at 3:30 and land in Cairns at 7:30, 8:00. We didn't board the plan until after 7:00 which stunk. But, we did get to see the Panics while we were at the airport. They are a band from Perth, and we actually know their music. And the airport paid for out dinner, so it wasn't too bad. When we finally got to our hostel sometime after 11, we headed right out. It was sooo nice outside. We didn't need jackets or anything. We walked around the main city, and then came back to get some sleep.Saturday we hit up the Great Barrier Reef. We spent about 8 hours on the water, 5 of which we were actually in the water for. We went to 2 different reefs and saw clown fish (Nemo), giant clams, a sea turtle and a shark!!! It was awesome. We are eager to see if our underwater camera got good shots of all the animals. After that we walked around town again, and then went out for dinner.Sunday was all about the Dentry Rainforest. We started the day at an animal park where we got to see all of our favorite Australian wildlife: Kangaroos, Emu, Crocodiles, Wallabies and more. Then we went to visit a gorge. Unfortunately it was raining out, so we didn't go for a swim, but it was still really pretty. Then we went on a walk of the Dentry Rainforest, and ended the day with a Crocodile Tour. We saw 5 crocodiles on the DentryRiver. After that it was back to cold Melbourne.Monday we started a new class. We are now taking our history course, but the frist 7 classes are actually on archeology. It's really a great class. On Tuesday a bunch of us went to see Indiana Jones, and we were excited to hear them talking about head wrapping, because it was something we had learned about earlier that day. Yay! Wednesday we got Trivial again at quiz night. This week we came in dead last because we are just that good.Thursday we went to the MelbourneMuseum with class. Through the class we saw 2 exhibits, one on Indigenous peoples and one on Dinosaurs/Megafauna. After the class left, Mary Beth, Gabby and I stayed to check out the rest of the museum. There were exhibits on the Mind, the Body, Melbourne's History, the Rainforest and more. Then we went to Lygon Street for some lunch, and to the library to check out their exhibit. It was on Medieval Literature, and we saw all of the beautiful manuscripts from around the world. After that it was back to Preston.This weekend has been really quiet. Mostly, I've just been resting from the busy week. This week, we have Wednesday off from school, so we'll be going into the city again. It should be fun, and this weekend we may be renting a car and driving to the Great Ocean Road! Good news, I just found out that I will have a nice 5 day break between Melbourne and my Mildura course, so I may be able to plan another weekend away! Yay!
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