I am finally in Melbourne after the most exciting holiday ever.Sorry that it has taken me so long to write up this post, but I've got some bad news.Those pictures I promised, along with the hundreds I took in New Zealand will not be posted any time soon.Our new internet package comes with very limited gigabytes available for uploads.As a result you will have to wait for pictures.But believe me, it has been more a hassle for me than for you.But more about Melbourne to come….first I know you are all dying to hear about my adventures in New Zealand!!!
Please note:this is a very long entry.Feel free to just skim the good parts (days 1-8)!
On April 18th, we began our fantastic holiday.The day started nice and early as the 30 of us boarded a plane for Melbourne.We arrived and dropped our extra luggage off with the hotel (thank goodness, mine weighed 38 kilos!)and then went on our separate ways.For Gabby, Diana and Mary Beth, me vacation started with a 5 hour wait in the Melbourne airport. On top of the long wait, our flight to Christchurch arrived a nice half hour late.When the plane finally came, we landed in Christchurch at a quarter to 1.Once we went through customs, got a taxi and arrived at the hostel it was just about 2:00 in the morning.And just our luck, when we booked our flight with Jetstar we were not aware that they are the only airline in the world that doesn't even serve snacks during their flights.So, we threw our stuff down and ran to get some dinner.We walked our way to KFC, which was a beautiful 2 blocks away.The hostel was located directly across from the church, and it was lit up at night.At KFC we got ourselves a small dinner and our first experience at meeting some of the locals.As you can imagine, the only people who are eating at 2:00 in the morning (other than the 4 of us, that is) are locals who have spent the night out drinking.We got back nice and late and went straight to bed, all excited for the events to come.
April 19th was the first day of our tour.We met the group right at the hostel at 8:00 and began our adventure.Day one was mainly a driving day, as we made our way towards Mt. Cook (the largest mountain in New Zealand).Although you would think it would be boring to just drive around during our first day in the country, it was no doubt the most breathtaking drive I have ever taken.When we left Christchurch we headed to a small suburb, Gereldine for breakfast.After, we continued our drive.As we were heading out of town, the beautiful, large, snow-peaked mountains sprang up out of nowhere and we found ourselves in the middle of the Southern Alps with nothing but sheep and mountains around for miles.We stopped again at Lake Tekapo for some pictures and the visit the Church of the Good Shepard.It is one of the oldest churches in New Zealand, and sat right on the water.We had some lunch in town and then got back on the bus.Our next stop took us to another body of water, Lake Pukaki.Pukaki's water was perfectly still and turquoise.It was magnificent.After stopping at the lake we got back on the bus with one last stop to go for the day, Mt. Cook Village.As you can imagine, there was an amazing view of the mountain from the area, and we took a short hike up the Glencoe Track where we were almost eye to eye with the peak.After the hike, it was off to the lodge for the evening.The lodge we stayed in was on another lake, Lake Ohau which had another perfect view of the mountain.After a lovely dinner, Diana and I decided to go for a dip in the lodges hot pools.The weather in New Zealand that day had been super cold, and it felt great to sit in the hot baths.We had an early evening to prepare ourselves for another great day.
The next day was made for traveling to the Milford Sound.We got up nice and early again, and we on the road by 7.We stopped soon at Mrs. Jones Dried Fruit Sound.After we got a snack we got back on the bus and headed to Lake Te Anau for lunch.We ate at a café right on the water which was wonderful, and then got back on the bus.On the way to the Milford Sound we made a lot of stops.First we went to Holyford Valley, which was a great spot to take pictures.Next we went to the Mirror Lakes, where we took a short walk along the swampy area.The lakes were named for good reason, you could see your reflection so clearly when you looked into the water.Our next stop was a quick hike to see some Chasms, really cool rocks which have been molded by water.We also took a stop to see Monkey Creek, which runs directly under the road leading to the Homer Tunnel.The tunnel was actually the last stop we had before we got to the Milford Sound.Homer Tunnel was amazing, it seemed to stretch forever, and when we exited the darkness we were right in the middle of perfect scenery.We were driving in the mountains with different waterfalls surrounding us.We finally made it to the Milford Sound, and hoped on board the Milford Wonderer.We headed out to sea for a 45 minute sail, and then anchored as Harrison's Cove.The sun was just beginning to set as we anchored and so we hopped into some kayaks and took a tour around Harrison's Cove as the sun went down.We got back on the boat for dinner, and spent the night relaxing and playing cards.
April 21st we awoke in the middle of Harrison's Cove for and we went for another ride on the Wonderer.This time we sailed for 2 hours on the Sound via the Tasman Sea.As we sailed we got to see dolphins and seals and passed an amazing waterfall which is taller than Niagara Falls.We were fortunate to have such good weather.It was drizzling a bit, but the Milford Sound is known for constantly raining.Lucky for us, after the rain passed the weather made a pretty dramatic change and began to warm up a lot.After our ride on the Milford Sound, we rode back through the Homer Tunnel, and back to Te Anau for another lunch by the water.As we drove from Te Anau towards Queenstown, the rain came to a stop and we got to see beautiful New Zealand rainbows.When we arrived in Queenstown, we stopped in front of the Remarkables (a mountain range) to take a group photo, and then to the hotel.When we arrived at the hotel we had the most beautiful view of town.We were staying about 2 blocks up hill from town, and were able to see the mountains, water and all of town, and best of all we had a balcony to sit on where we could see it all.We had the evening to ourselves, and Gabby and Mary Beth decided to go for a canyon swing. Diana and I, however, decided not to do the swing, and explored town instead.We visited the Queenstown ANZAC (Australia, New Zealand, Army Corps) Memorial and Queenstown Gardens which were both lovely.They were right by the docks, and we say boats coming in for the night.That night after our walk, and canyon swings, the four of us went to have dinner at the FergBurger, a world famous hamburger joint.After dinner we met the group for some drinks to relax after a few busy days.Then we went off to bed for an exciting day in the Adventure Capitol of the World.
The next day was our free day in Queenstown.The 4 of us decided to go on a Ride of the Rings Horseback riding tour.The trail was about 45 minutes outside of Queenstown on lands rightfully called Paradise.When we arrived we were quickly designated horses.My horse, Sam was the coolest of the lot.He had actually been filmed in the 3rd Lord of the Rings movie.We got on our horses and headed into Paradise for a 2 hour trip.During that time, we saw 3 locations where Lord of the Rings had been filmed, one spot where they filmed the 2nd Narnia movie (in theaters soon) and one site from the upcoming X-Men movie.The highlight of the horse-ride (aside from the awesome outfits we got to wear) was the view of the Dart River.We climbed up a small hill where we looked out right over the river.After the ride, we went back to Queenstown for some lunch and shopping.Later on that evening we met a group from the tour and took a gondola ride up what seemed like a million kilometers to one of only 3 places in the world where you can go on luging.The view from above Queenstown was breathtaking, and we got to watch the sun set as we were above town.After two awesome, high-speed luges, we went back to town and went with the rest of the group for some dinner at the World Bar.After dinner we all went out for some drinks at the Ice Bar.It was pretty cool.They entire bar was made of ice, including all of the glasses and there were ice sculptures everywhere.It was so cold inside that in order to go into the bar we were given a parka to put on over our jackets and a pair of gloves.Due to the low temperatures we were also only allowed to stay at the bar for a half an hour.After, we went on back knowing full well we would need our rest for the next day's events.
On the 23rd it was time for us to depart from Queenstown.On the way out, though, we went to a lookout right over town where we could say our final goodbyes to the Adventure Capitol.Our journey today took us to Fox Glacier, but not of course, without some great stops on the way.Our 1st stop of the day took us to Lake Wanaka (new home of Shania Twain) where we had a short walk along the water.Next, we went to Lake Hawea for some photos, and then headed off to Makarora for an early lunch.After lunch we drove through the Southern Alps.To do this, we took the Haast Pass, one of only 3 passes that will take you through the mountains.Then, we went to the beautiful Blue Pools.It was a nice hike where we had to cross a suspended bridge (ahhh!).Only five people were allowed to be on the bridge at a time, so you can imagine how scared I was while crossing.Once we got to the pools, we took a break to skip rocks and take pictures before we headed back to the bus.Once back on the bus, we went to Thunder Creek Falls.It was a fairly small waterfall.But don't let it fool you.The powers of the water took over me and I managed to slip on one of the rocks.Good thing I kept a change of clothes on the bus JAfter Thunder Creek Falls, we made it to Fox Glacier.It was a small town and we went straight to Lake Matheson for another hike.The lake is the most photographed water in all of New Zealand, and you could see why.There was a perfect view of Mt. Cook from where we were, and the waters sat perfectly still.That night, the group went out for another dinner together.After the meal, we went for a walk down a local trail.It was awesome.We all held hands and Chelsea, the group leader, turned on a lone flashlight and guided us down the trail.That night, the moon was hidden by the clouds so we were really walking in the pitch black.When we got about halfway into the woods she turned off her light and we were surrounded by glow worms.It was amazing. After the hike we headed home to get some rest.
April 24th we got up nice and early to hike Fox Glacier.We hiked 1½ hours through forest to get to the ice, where we hiked for an hour, and then went back through the forest.The entire hike was just incredible. Once we got to the ice, we had to put crampons on to walk and we given cool walking sticks to get around.When we were finally moving, we were able to drink from the glacier.It was the best water I have ever had. Mmmm.After the hike, we went back to the village for lunch and got back on the bus to head into Flock Lodge.We only took a few stops before we got into town.The first was to Hokatika, which is jade heaven.The second was to the Devil's Corner.The Devil's corner is a lookout over huge fallen rocks.We finally arrived at Flock Hill, a sheep farm.That evening we feasted on lamb andstayed up late at the lodge, all excited to get to see the animals the following day.
Our last day on the trip (awww) came on the 25th.That morning we headed for a hike up a knoll where we overlooked the almost 40,000 acres of land on the farm.That morning there had been very foggy and we sat at the knoll until it all rose.It was spectacular.After that walk, we got to see some of the animals.One of the farmers showed us how dogs herd cattle.Then, we saw the shed where they shear the sheep.After the tour we had some lunch and headed to Christchurch.There was only one stop on the way to the city, a spot where portions of both Narnia and Lord of the Rings had been filmed.We got another group photo and went to town.In Christchurch, I went for a walk to the Botanic Gardens, Victoria Park, and saw the Remembrance Bridge.It was ANZAC day (like our Memorial Day), and so there was a huge memorial at the church, and members of the armed forces were out.After the walk it was time for our last group dinner.We had booked a shuttle to pick us up at 3:30 for the airport (oh boy!) so the 4 of us decided to spend our last night up all night.
The trip was amazing.I wish it didn't have to end.Since I arriving in Melbourne I haven't had the chance to do too much.We are actually staying a half an hour outside of the city, so this weekend we are going to head into the city for the first time.We've already got ourselves tickets to see a footy game!The hotel we are staying at is nice, but the rooms are really, really small.The toilet is actually inside the shower.It's crazy!I guess it is okay that our rooms are so small, though, because it balances out the fact that we go to a school of 20,000!After the game this weekend, I will let you know how great the city of Melbourne is.But, New Zealand is not long forgotten.The girls and I had such an amazing time we are planning a small trip during a few days we have off in between classes (oh my gosh, sometimes even I forget I take classes out here).
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