We slept so well!!!!! Enjoyed a lovely breakfast by the pool. It was nice, as we ordered and were served rather than buffet. We checked out and got picked up by Gede at 8.30. I wrongfully assumed Gede would be an older and smaller gentleman, but he was in his 30s and was the same build as Garth!
He has a nice air conditioned car and we set off on our half day trip to Ubud. We drove down themes roads. One was full of wood carvings, one full of stone sculptures, one full of paintings etc! It was sooo interesting! There were lots of Hindu gods but also a lot of beautiful tables abd ornaments for ones Garden. I would have a field day if we were rich! I really loved some of the wood work!
On the drive Gede was explaining that despite Indonesia being Muslim. Bali is Hindu. He took us to a temple which was beautiful and surprisingly used and practical! The stones looked aged and the lush plants made it really beautiful. We had to wear long skirts (even though I was already wearing one!) Gede said that people tithe into their local temple, so the nicer the temple, the richer the neighbourhood. Also, if he were to pray here it wouldn't feel good because it wasn't his temple. Despite the crazy statues it was very functional with a kitchen area, a resting area, a guest area and a celebration area. It must be quite something to see one of their celebrations! Gede explained that the Hinduism here was unlike anything else as was mixed with their own culture and there are 3 main gods (creator, something and destruction) which every temple is dedicated to one of them.
We then drove past rice fields. So green! Gede explained it takes 3 months to grow rice so they grow it 3 times a year allowing the last quarter to rest the soil.
He then drove us down a wealthy residential street and explained that every family has heir own temple at home. We saw these huge structures sticking out behind their walls and they were beautiful. I guess not hugely dissimilar to wealthy houses in the UK back in the day with their own chapels!
We stopped at a coffee plantation. We got a tour of the plants which was interesting but I was impressed with Garth's knowledge of them! it is the most expensive coffee in the world; called 'Kopi Luwak' because the coffee beans are eaten by animals called 'Asian Palm Civet', from which the coffee beans are extracted from their excrement before being roasted and ground into instant coffee. It seemed slightly bizarre (how on earth did they develop this technique?!) but having handed and smelt the poo, it didn't smell at all and was very 'clean'. We then got to try a huge variety of the tea and coffee the produce which was great! I loved the vanilla coffee and Bali mocha! We even got to try the chocolate the made! I got huge mosquito bites here :( but was made up by our host being obsessed with our camera and taking a hundred very enthusiastic photos of us!
We then moved onto a market that despite being very hot indeed we enjoyed shopping and bartering (unusual for Garth) and bought lots of souvenirs and gifts! :) every time we bought something the shop keeper would tap the money we gave them over their produce saying 'good luck! Good luck!'!?!
We had a quick look at another temple before Gede took us to a restaurant for lunch. It was a beautiful restaurant that looked over the rice fields and try put flowers in our hair on arrival, but was overpriced for us and for Bali. But we did enjoy our lemon iced teas!
Gede dropped us back at our hotel by 2pm giving us 1.5 hours before our next taxi pick up. The lady at reception was lovely and friendly and let us use the pool and towels which passed the time quickly!
Our taxi eventually picked us up and took us to the beach, which was in walking distance but good with our big bags. The beach was teaming with locals in the sea and felt a bit dirty with litter around. I needed the loo and a guy from our boat company gave me the 2000 Rp to go?! But it was one of the gross toilets I've been to in a long time!!!
We waited for a while (we could see the island and cliffs from Bali!) as the packed the boat then we hopped inboard through the sea and the slightly dangerous floating boat in the strong waves. The speed boast was one of the fastest we've been on. Again it was a 'calm' day but we would easily die at that speed if the driver made a sudden turn.
We were There in 20mins!!?????! Lemongan felt much nicer than Bali instantly with finer sand and felt cleaner. We waited for our bags then waited for our taxi, where we were surrounded by little boys playing with wild birds and riding can imagine Garth's stress/worry at this! Although the boys seemed quite confident on the machines!
We jumped onto the back of our trick which was great fun! I was busy taking videos and photos and trying to avoid the trees on the way past whilst Garth was telling me to be careful! Lol.
We went over a hill to the next bay and reached our hotel. To our disappointment we passed no civilisation or restaurants on the way and the entrance was a dirty building site! However, once inside the gardens were immaculate and we had a lovely sea view across to Bali! We were down to our hut which was lovely and looked jest like the online photos with our outside bathroom! :)
We settled in and had dinner at the hotel restaurant. The food want great bit it would do. Was nice to eat next to a pool with a sea view of the lighthouse and the sound of Waves crashing. We had an early night!
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