A lazy start was much needed. We packed and started our 3 day tour of southern Bolivia. Our group was joined by a nice Swedish guy called Sid and we had 3 off the road vehicles. In our vehicle was Grant, Sas, Ollie and Michelle which was very lucky as we soon figured out that our cars would be where we would spend the majority of the next 3 days!
We took a 45 min drive out of the town down a dusty road to see a salt 'factory' and do the usual tourist souvenir shipping. We then took a 15 min drive into the salt flats.
As we approached we could see a reflective mirage in the distance but as we got nearer it looked like we were driving down a beach towards the sea.
The first section was covered in water and was like driving though a shallow (30cm) calm sea. It slowly dried up to just the salt. It was quite something. The whiteness of the salt was blinding! (we were very blessed to have sunny weather in the rainy season)
The salt was a bit dirty due to the tyre tracks. We drove 15 mins to the salt restaurant. Our driver (Gonzalis) dropped us off 200m away so we could experience walking. We had worn flip flops as we knew the salt would get all up our legs but after a few steps the salt granuals got between your foot and the flip flop so I just took them off. The salt crystals were a course texture but it didn't hurt if you weren't silly. If you stood in one place and wiggled your feet around the salt would soften and part to make a small brown puddle. The puddles were warm water.
We ate in the salt restaurant, even the seats were made of salt!! We had a whole T-Bone of Lama!
We then took a drive to the 'untouched' salt flats which was pure white and were separated into hexagon shapes with water between (like tiles) and a few of us were allowed to ride on the roof!
It was stunning!
White floors and blue skies.
Hernan reached into a hole in the salt and picked out a few salt crystals, and there were perfectly symmetrical and square! Gods creation is amazing!
We started to do the silly photos, and I know that I prob shouldn't say this but it was REALLY HARD!!! Kneeling/lying on the salt was really painful and the camera would either focus on one subject or the other. However we tried!!
We eventually moved back towards the restaurant where the salt flats were drier. We spent 1.5 hrs taking photos but it felt like 10 mins. I think that a good photos comes from spending a whole day there rather than a few hours. Or maybe I'm being too harsh on myself as I expect myself to get good photos!
However, we made our way back to the water covered section and stopped there for some photos. It was slightly too deep for the 'walking on water' shots and too windy for the 'reflection' shots but enjoyed it. The salt was really squishy on my feet here and soft unlike wet sand. A bizarre sensation.
The salt had stained our clothes and our skin, we were sun kissed and photo'd out but was something else!
We went back to our hotel for a 40 min break whilst our salt infested cars were swapped for nicer cleaner cars. We washed the salt off out legs and I found that I had sunburnt the back of my legs!
We then took a 3 hour journey in the new off the road vehicle to Alota through more beautiful desert scenery and ollies iPod.
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