G'day all! Well where were we?! So we'll start in Noosa just off to do the canoo trip, which we admitedly thought was going to be all relaxation and gentle canooing down the beautiful Noosa wrong were we?! It was a gruelling three days of canooing and a hiking trip thrown in! The only plus side was that the weather stayed gorgeous! The last day was the worst getting up at 4am to canoe back 12k with a stinking hangover! We're glad we did it though as the guide told it was 'character building'...character my arse!!!!! However, we met some fab people and are currently know as Team England...lagging behind, but strarting off the drinking lol! Team Germany as efficient as ever leading the way and Team France always on time!!!!
After the three days working hard we decided to chill in Noosa for a couple of days, stayed at a great backpackers, where we had our own! Also Gem bumped into three gals she met in Africa, which was cool! The only down side was that it pissed it down all day the second day we were there...luckily though the only day of rain we've had on our entire trip!!!! Sorry to rub it in guys :)
Next up we hopped on the Greyhound bus to Hervey Bay...not quite what we expected...German Nazi receptionist and strict rules applied for everything...everthing waaasssss 'illleggal' lol! Also there were cockroaches in our room, however we only found this out after we left and Robin (one of our fellow groupies from the trip) had the pleasure of telling us! Anyhow, we got put in our group of 11 for Fraser Island and set off early the follwing morning!
After just having set off on the island after catching the ferry over etc, we stumbled upon a rather large item of wood in the road, off which caused us to burst our tyre...the next you heard was the rushing sound of ssssssssss! and then 11 gulps! We managed to hold up 5 other 4x4 trucks, as our jack was s***e and of course us girls let the lads do all the work. Finally back on the road we carefully drove over to Lake Mckenzie...absolutely stunning!!!! The water is like tap water, so unbeleivably clear and the sand was as fine as flour! We headed to our camp reluctantly afterwards getting lost along the way, therefore having to cook our roast beef dinner in the dark, we can say that was quite a challenge! Afterwards drinking games commenced and we were taught ring of fire, for those of you who don't know of it, it involves a pack of cards and a hell of a lot of drink!!!!! lol!
The next few days we spent at the Champagane pool, Indian Head and Wabby Lake, none compared to Lake Mkenzie, but all very beautiful! The last night we just spent chilled by the campfire!
We arrived back at Hervey Bay to begin our career in may be asking yourselves what?! Yes Kookaburras, our cockroach infested hostel wanted myself, Soph and our crazy Irish chum Sarah to model for their bochure and internet site...if we had morals we would have said no, however they threw a free pizz and beer, so how could we refuse?! we're weak and poor backpackers!!!!
We were glad to leave Hervey Bay, however sad to say bye to Lucy (our 4x4 truck, who remained reliable for the rest of the trip, even with myself driving :)) as well as our group! We headed up to Airlie Beach...awesome place, lots of bars and places to go. We checked in and got set up for our Whitsundays sailing trip.
We spent three days and two nights on our boat Pegasus, checking out the lush islands of the Whitsundays and snorkelling. The coral and fish were amazing! The last we spent on the boat however, was slightly rough and Poor Soph felt a little worse for wear, having puked overboard and luckily only just missing passengers with the back wind!!! Could have been messy!!!!
More drinking continued with our group in Airlie beach afterwards follwed by our early departure in the morning for Magnetic Island.
Not a lot to say about Magnetic, apart from the glorious sunshine we encountered, we basically just spent the day on the bus and checked out all of the bays! It was extremely chilled! Only spent two days there until moving on to Mission Beach.
Mission Beach was where we went white water rafting, was soo much fun, I only fell out a couple of times and Soph managed to stay in the raft besides being thrown out by fellow rafters! Our instructor was quite possibly the craziest guy we've met, but such a laugh! The last day here was again spent lazing around, whilst sunbathing and swimming in the pool. Our hostel was cool, Scotty's, it was a collection of beach huts. We also experienced the nightlife of Mission beach with myself entering a pool comp and losing badly :) After our drinking sesh, ready to crash and having seen enough of water that day after rafting we were thrown in the pool by drunken English lunatics fully clothed!!!! Just about managed to save our camera's and phones!!!!
So that brings us up to Cairns, where we're off snorkelling the great barrier reef tomorrow...having a night off from the booze, as it's a 6am will we cope working in a few weeks?!
Hope you're all good, would love to hear from you.
Gem and Soph xxx
- comments
Paaola Gumpher, There was no farting. My osmtach can digest cardboard. I don't often feed it cardboard but .HC, tell us about this strange fascination you have with Anne Robinson. How long have you seen her in this way? Have you been imagining her in naked repose often? *shudder* Please tell me your Watchdog! inclinations aren't really Anne Robinson-related!Bulldog, I've been riding bikes for *whispers* a long time. Ironically it's the car drivers who are more dangerous but the bike riders who pay the cost.Annie, The browser crash' isn't a crash, that's how it is supposed to look. I love playing with my cursor in that screen. Nearly the time of year to put away the bike fantasies though, it'll soon be too cold and slippery.