After spending a short time in Durban were it rained and was very unsafe to wonder around so did'nt get to see much i headed to Bulungula which is a rural village 2 1/2 hrs from Mthatha. WOW the hostel i stayed in was situated in the middle of this wonderful village with rolling green hills, a beautiful beach and amazing local peolpe. The hostel was eco friendly, which was an experience in itself!!! though not that i could complain at least i was able to shower and there were toilets which is more than the local people had who lived in mud huts with no running water or electricity. I spent the morning with one of the families which gave me a good insight into how they lived their lives, which is bascially trying to survive another day. I collected water from the river and carried it on my head back to their home!! though i did have to use one hand to hold it. Then they kindly made me a cup of tea!!! Well for someone who never drinks the stuff even back home i wasn't sure how i was going to drink it. I smiled sweetly told them it was lovely even though every mouthful made me feel sick - especially knowing where the water had come from!! We then headed in to the forest and collected fire wood and again carried it on our heads. I was a bit better at this and managed a short way with no hands!! We then just chilled out for a while in the mud hut oh and brushed the floor. The family were so friendly and with limited english and no way i could speak their launguage especially with all the 'clicks' we managed to have a fair conversation which amazed me. When it was time to head back to the hostel it was pouring with rain so that afternoon i spent chilling. All the kids from the village come down to the hostel and hang around too, which was really cool. I had all my hair plaited by about 7 kids!! they thought it was great i thought how the hell am i going to get these out!!! Having spent the rest of the afternoon with plaits coming out at all angles and pretending i loved it we were then entertained by some of the older boys showing us dance moves!!! At dinner time i meet a doctor from the hospital which is about 1 hour away who had come down to see the owner of the hostel and the next day was going to teach her some basic first aid and gave her a box of medical stuff as people from the village often come to her when their sick as they are unable to access any health care with out a long drive and most of which don't have any means of transport and no phone to call for a doctor!! I stayed in bulungula only 2 nights (1 day) but the experience was amazing and its a place i won't forget, the people were amazing, although they struggle to survive day to day they always have a smile and are so friendly to those who visit.
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