Suzanne and Simon's Travels
On 10th September we started our two day one night tour of Kakadu National Park. Its a huge outback area basically like a dry forest with lots of water holes that fill up during the rainy season. Most of them have crocs in so you cant swim. It is so hot there that swimming is all you want to do!!
On our tour there were eight of us in a four wheel drive. We set off firstly to a jumping crocodile cruise on the Adelaide River. Before we got on the boat for the cruise a young boy came out to us holding a python for us to hold. Simon loved it and held a Carpet Python called Mat. After some initial nerves i decided to go for it and held a Rainbow Python called Medusa. They were surprisingly cold and very friendly which is a good thing as they were wrapped around our necks. We then went on to the cruise where we cruised up and down the river spotting wild crocs. They would swim right up to the boat and then a lady would dangle raw meat over the edge and get the crocs to jump for it. We saw some really big crocs, some as big as 5m so close that we could touch them. Normally crocs wouldnt be so confident with boats this size but they have been fed like this or 30 years so hear the engine and swim out to it. I wouldnt like to be on a small fishing boat in that river as i'm sure the crocs would prob attack it. The commentary on the boat was the most amusing i have ever heard. It left us in know doubt that crocs are everywhere and to never swim in the Norther Territory!
After the cruise we went to the Nourlangie Rock Artsite. This is a massive area of rock where there is a lot of ancient Aborigional art. Some dating back 20,000 years apparently. It depicts their stories and dreams. Some of their creation stories are very strange with people having grasshopper type insects as their children. Also if you have done bad things in your life then the elders tell you you will be going to their equivellent of Hell and there is no repenting later in life.
We then went to watch the sunset a Yellow Waters. It was a beautiful large billabong. We saw two large crocs there and a couple of sea eagles. This was Simons favorite thing so far.
We then travelled on a crazy drive to our campsite for the night.
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