We stopped at some small stalls where the Himba tribes people were selling souvenirs. They were traditionally dressed and came running when they saw our truck! It wasn't a very nice experience to be honest as they were all very rude to us.
It didn't take us too long to get to our destination of Swakopumd where we went straight to the activity centre to see what (if anything) we wanted to book. we watched a video of the activities and after learning the great price, Neil and I booked in for lie down sandboarding for tomorrow. A few crazy people on our tour had booked in for sky diving this afternoon but due to the high winds this had to be cancelled til tomorrow - rather them than me!
After a delicious shop bought lunch of homemade sandwiches we drove the very short distance to the hostel. There was some fun and games choosing a dorm room, but eventually we all got a bed!
After a nice hot shower Neil and I walked into town. We walked amongst the German architecture and enjoyed some shopping. We ventured down the jetty being careful not to get blown away by the fierce winds! we stood looking back at the land seeing Swakopmund in the centre of a huge desert next to the ocean - an amazing sight.
Back at the hostel we got ready for a group meal with everyone at the local Italian. The food was delicious and after eating we headed to the bar next door. Everyone enjoyed a few drinks and some crazy ugly dancing (except Rebecca who was getting nervous about her sky dive!) before we all retired fairly early for a good night's sleep ready for an activity filled day tomorrow.
It was a lovely night's sleep in a bed even in a dorm room - so comfy! We got up and were waiting by 9.30am for our pick-up. We said good luck to Richard and Rebecca whose skydives were at 10am, before we got in the minibus and set off to the dunes.
It was only about a 10 minute drive until we arrived at the base of the most amazing dunes I have seen so far! It is so weird that there is a proper desert so near to the town. After a safety briefing we all grabbed a helmet (extra small for me, extra large for Neil!), some elbow pads, gloves and a board before making our way up to the biggest dune. It was really hard work walking up the dune, I was so hot and sweaty by the time we got to the spot that would be our meeting point for the morning.
After a brief rest it was time for the first dune. I was scared, I hate things like this, and was disappointed when I came off the board on my first go! Neil breezed down at full speed and looked like he was having fun! We walked back up to the meeting point, another hard slog, before flying down another dune. This time I did much better and managed to stay on my board. I still couldn't say I was enjoying it but I was getting more confident.
The third dune was tested by a speed gun. So much for my confidence - I was going so slow I didn't even register! But I was starting to enjoy it more, so didn't care too much about my speed.
The next ride was a tandem ride with Neil sat behind me. This was lots of fun and we got a really long run despite me shouting at Neil to slow us down!
The penultimate dune was the biggest and scariest - made scarier when Jing-Su went flying off the small hump halfway down the dune. Despite this I got down on my board and prepared myself for the fast ride. It was pretty hair-raising even thought I kept my feet firmly in the ground to slow me down! I was impressed when the speedo clocked 61MPH :) . This triumph was short lived as I turned around to see Neil wipe out and come rolling off his board. I panicked because it was a huge tumble but he walked down the dune, his only injury to his hand thankfully which we think is just a bit bruised!
After hiking up the dunes for the last time, we sailed down our last ride before walking to the bottom. It was a great experience and I was really proud of myself as I am usually such a scaredy cat! We ate a delicious lunch with drinks before going back to the hostel to shower off all the sand.
After a lovely long hot shower Neil and I enjoyed watching some of the skydiving videos before wandering into town. We really enjoyed mooching around, got some snacks and headed back to the hostel where we chilled out for a while. We went to watch our sandboarding video but I was dispointed as I looked like I was going really slow - It felt so fast at the time. Neil got a lot of air time due to his wipe out which looked more painful than I remembered! We chose a few pictures to buy before returning to the hostel to chill out and relax for the night.
We got up and ate a delicious breakfast at the hostel before before setting off in the truck again - O how we missed it! NOT! lol!
Hope you are still enjoying reading about our adventures! Lots of love xxxx
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