leather 3 piece suit, chests of drawers x 3, sideboard, kitchen table and chairs, all very cheap to good home, what else do you need? Let me know, can deliver!
Hi to you Both!
Just caught up on your blog again. I love it!
I'm missing you loads and counting down the days till I can see you. Sounds like you're having a fab time though so keep making the most of it!
Love you loads xxx
Just read your last blog, cant even begin to imagine how much stress u both felt with the bank situation! Still made great reading though! I know you're soon to depart india for the lovely Africa, wishing you a safe journey and try not to upset the hungry lions (kirsty included :D ) Miss you xxx
looks like you're having a great time! love seeing the pictures, looking forward to my trip now! x
finally got round to reading your blog its so good sounds like you are having an amazing time hope you are both ok xx
Jess X
Loving all the pics and latest blog! you are both looking so well and so happy, its lovely to see and to read everything you are doing :) You have seen so much already, it looks amazing! Showed my Mum all your travels she was loving it too :) Missing you lots, love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sensational stuff u 2! You're literally living most people's idyllic dream. Huge admiration & lots of love. Keep safe. Auntie Lorraine xox
Omg i love looking at your pics & reading what youve been up to. Sounds like your having a great time & that married life is treating you well. You two clearly belong together.
Loadsa love xxxxx
Laura H
Can we have more pics of u carrying ur heavy back pack in the scorching sun in over populated cities rather than u pair Sunning ur selves and eating in every pic. So jealous! Only kidding. Looks fab! Miss u xxxx
Martin Beane
As your in China, could I order beef curry & fried rice, 15 minute ok. Have a brill time. Great photo's. Travelling is just the best thing ever, I travelled for a year when I was 21/22 & so glad I did. You will have so many stories to tell the grandchildren when you are sitting in your rocking chair when you're old & grey! Have a great time xx
Have enjoyed reading about your journey so far, and looking through the pics. miss u and look forward to reading your next entry (especially as it's China) I'm sure you'll have some interesting stories and views to share! Xxx
Jess & V
Just looked through your blog and pictures and ive subscribed V to get your emails as she couldnt do it!
Love reading your blog Kirsty, sounds amazing glad you are having lots of fun and doing new things!!
Chins about the Vodka fine, you alcy!! haha :)
Ronnie is ever so pleased you raised a glass for her 60th (42nd) haha :)