We checked out this morning after breakfast and started exploring other parts of the city. There really are some great green spaces here. We drove down to the Presidio passing by the Golden Gate Park. We stopped to check out the wind mills and then on towards the fort. Along the way we passed some pretty cool beaches one of which had two huge dozers shoving the sand around. There were some very cool houses some of which must be very exxie. As we arrived at the fort another couple pulled up in a little go go, they looked hilarious and when I took a pic while laughing they said yeh looks funny but it gives us computerised instructions on where to go, wha to see so we think it's great. Each to their own I guess lol We clambered over the fort and took some great shots of the GG bridge. We drove under the GG and parked up to walk across the bridge. The thick fog covered the top of the bridge. A sea plane flew parallel to the bridge and was nearly hidden by the fog. It was pretty crazy on the bridge, lots of walkers, runners and cyclists. Many of those on hired bikes frantically trying to read maps, follow instructions etc all the while not being very competent on bikes. The serious local riders found them a real frustration lol
Back at the car we did the reverse trip back to hwy 1 and started heading south towards Monterey. There were some great beaches along the way including one with crazy solid sand stone in weird configurations which was pretty cool. We checked out one beach from the cliffs above and saw a lot of what we think we're puffins fishing. We stopped for lunch at another beach before heading off again.
All along the coast there were farms selling big orange Halloween pumpkins and other fresh produce.
Just out of Santa Cruz we hit solid traffic. The radio said there was a crash up the hwy and it held us up for over an hour :-( sick of the bottle neck we went rogue much to the dismay of the GPS and went through suburbs. I think a lot of others had the same idea and it ended up just as slow as the hwy.
back on the hwy we came across a CHP officer stopped at what we thought was the accident but it turned out it was a vehicle that had lost his wheel! That could be tricky in heavy traffic.
We stopped at a roadside farm shop and bought some choc full of flavour strawberries and fresh corn for dinner. We both thought of Dad when we saw avocados which were 5/$1 and kiwis 10/$2!
We got to our hotel and checked in. We thought it was lovely and quiet til we checked out our outside area and the peace and quiet was explained. Our unit backs onto a cemetery lol
Ah well, we should sleep well lol
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