After a pleasant lunch at Low Isles we stowed everything away and set sail for a night sail to Lizard Island. The winds were from the south east and fluctuated between 15 and 26 knots. Having left Low Isles just after 4pm we sailed into Watson's Bay just after 9am (Watson's Bay was named after Mary Watson whose husband was a partner in a Beche-de-mer business. When Mr Watson and his business partner to fish the sea cucumber near Night Island, leaving Mary with a baby and two Chinese servants. An in eventful month passed then one of the servants went to the garden and was never seen again though his pigtail was found on the mainland many months later Aborigines kept Mrs Watson and the remaining servant under surveillance until eventually ambushing the servant, spearing him twice before he escaped back into the house under the cover of Mrs Watson's gun. Badly wounded the servant helped launch a Beche-De-Mer boiling tub in which the three of them escaped from the Island. The winds carried them off to Watson Island. The three eventually perished from thirst. )
I think Linda was pleased to get into calmer waters. We quickly launched the tender, set up the sun shelter on the forward deck and set up the bar-b-q to cook breakfast. After a big cooked breakfast we went for a walk on the beach and saw the remain of Mrs Watson's house and the mangroves. The afternoon was spent kayaking, sailing and relaxing prior to meeting all the other sailors on the beach for happy hour (well two and a half hours actually) I must say they are a very sociable lot, some have been cruising continuously for twenty or more years.
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