omg tht sounds badd :\ an insect in ur foot lol..thts like my worst nightmare..hope ur oki stuey x
Hi Stuart, am trying to get on to MSM but Giles tells me you are not on it at the moment because he is and your not there. Ok several things re your foot. One is that it can turn septic so it is not a good idea to leave it. 2. Find some shoes before another bug finds you or you cause the foot to become infected. 3. If you have some oil, olive oil or what ever cover the area in it - the bug might come out to snack on it - thats when you catch the blighter and hit him over the head with a stone. (Alex tells me this is the African way of dealing with them). 4. Take Silicea 2 hrly for 4 doses. This may well push it out. 5. Sabrina who has the friend in Thailand is contacting him to find out a good medical centre to go to. She thinks you will have to go to Puket or Krabi as they are the main towns with medical facilities. She is emailing him tonight so will let you know asp. Hope this is helpful.
Love Mum x
photos photos la la la photos, we want more photos la la la !!
Not sure about claiming on insurance for a pare off shoes... sounds like every thing is to the good!! Have manged to get msn working yet?? Also I think an insect has borrowed into my foot!! Whats my plan of action for this??? If its not its a splinter, can that be bad if not removed?? Lots of love stu xxx
Hi Stuart, what a wonderful adventure -this site is marvellous, a bit like tuning into a soap, what happens next. Start looking for big guys (more likely to have size 13 feet), then look down at their footware. Look for signs of them being waterlogged recently, trodden in elephants ......, shampooed in waterfalls. Since you're several inches taller than most Thais, roughly anyone you can see eye to eye with could be your shoe thief unless yof course your shoes have been taken to a temple as a gift to Buddha. An alternative could be the local bric a brac stall at the market as window boxes for flowers. Can we claim on your insurance instead? Don't forget to put up your last batch of films - I have printed off a few onsite for Granny and Gramps. Remember you manned the bar at WFG village hall recently, one of the ladies there asked after you, when I told her you were in Thailand she said 'you should have told me, I've got a great friend of ours who runs a diving school on an island, we could have let him know you were coming' - small world, although it could have been another school, She said it was at 'the beach'. If you want to go there let me know and I can ask them for ways of contacting them or maybe it is just too late. Phoned the MCs but G had last exam to revise for and will try again when he is free. We are off to Stone cum Ebony for a garden party - nice.
Lots of love and hugs Mum xxxxoooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxooo
So any ways nice to hear from the millar craigs!! Hope u are finding yer way round my site ok!! + hope yr exams are going ok!! Remember to write things on yr arms!! Seriously!! + its always nice to hear those glutural greetz from the pig!!
Its a pitty yr not here ben particullarly now being in Koh Pangyang its very yr style with beach parties till 6am every day!! Rly not sure boout this beard i mean i not sure its wooer more of a bad boy!! ANy ways thanx reminding me im almost devil boy always refrezshing!! I figure that makes me not quite evil but bad so bad ass u might say, almost kinda rough and ready type thing!! like 1 of those guys u dont know y u like but u cant help yr self is that what yr trying to say louise?? Keeping blogging issy its very amusing to hear from u thou if whip out another jok that bad i may have to trowel u round the head!
Its sad stuff im affraid jenny!! But when life laugghs in yr face all we can do is laugh back!! JENNY u r new fashsion guru if thats how u spell it!! RIght beard- is it time to shave? hair should I trim??
So Much thanks for all my happy birthdays guys!! Elton John sounds wicked truely regget missing that!! Along with the world cup, but lives full of sacriffices, really cool to hear from u Isa didnt think that was how u spelt yr name but who am i to argue with u lol or rather jajaja as u wld say!! Hope its not too cold in spain at the moment I do feel for u :)!! God luck with yr exams!!! xx About time I had sum gangsta luv, sgod stam! Im not sure about yr 20 drinks plan as out here we drink in buckets~!~ SO 20 buckets and im thinking right... g up down ova and out.. xx OMG I remember kicking comfort in the back of the head that was the best!! gonna have to go cos im in a tick situation right now will try to get on tomorrow and replie more! quickly hope yr all exams going well!! + gd luck guys!
Dear parents im thrilled to hear the return is over a grand that sets me up nicely if i can just get my hands on it!! IT sounds like practially normal birthdays at home if dads eating all the cake!! *MUM here is the plan fone pug right and get him to tell u that u want MSN mic conversations and he shlould be able to run u throu the stages of setting it up then say when u have done this and we can talk easy!!! stu xxx ps. v sorry i didnt fone home for B day but situation has hard/imposiable at the time!!
Stu Ball
What lol, how am I supposed to replie to all this!!!1 OMG!! Thanks for the birthday greez!! Need to get pugging on my journal and get the lastest pics up!!! Hey Rachel nice to hear from u having an amazing time!! hope exams arent too bad!! I love Koh Tao its my all time fav its amazing!! Just left thou which kinda sucks on Koh PAngyan now thou hopefully tjhis will be cool too!! s xx
Love from me and the fogeys..... few grunts from the pen outside as well, which we can hopefully translate into greetings :).
Hope your having a great time and talk to yer some time on MSN.
Pug and family
P.S. sorry its a tad late, bit hectic here with days and days of exams ^^.
WHY WERNT U ON MSN GOON? i cant belive how old u r, practically an adult. how wierd is that? your an actual man. miss you still. i must be quick because my mother thinks i am revsing. heh heh heh. did you know it is the day of the devil today? thats actually a bit scary, so u were almost a devil man. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
et cetera