The bag is holding its own for the moment thank you, thou I have been laughed at by most people i have met! But then there like thou it would nice to have a smaller bag and go quiet..... -I take it this is moley due to total disrespect of the bag!!
Im afraid the old round the world ploy doesnt hold much ground out here as it seems almost every 1 is a seasoned traveller!!
Phoebe cried half the night, weird, how did she know you were moving to the otherside of the world? So what is Bangkok like? Did you have a good flight? Looking forward to hearing all about things so keep us posted. Hope you found the hotel OK, and good luck with the next stage. Love Mum and D.
Buy A Bigger Bag
how is ur small bag treating you??
woooo stewart!! uv managed to make it to thailand on ur own, im so proud of u!! hope that ur feeling ok after ur kebab, u do realise it was probly made out of donkey?? now u can tell me wot donkey tastes of, how convenient! so how was ur first nite out in thailand?? meet any other travellers?? ok im gona go now but remember to keep ur beard so that u can sit in bars with a stick and tempt girls over to you with ur 'iv been travelling th world for a while now, im a lone wanderer and im v mysterious....'
have fun and take care, write soon
kate xxxxxx
I find yr kind words touching lousie and as ever u continue to hold a place in my heart!!
OH MY GOD STUEYBALL, im so damn jealous, i want to travel the world with you! with your babies! when u r in thailand and read this (tho i bet u will cheat and read it before u leave) u hav to actually work out the time difference and post up lots of photos of u looking like hot stuff. U shud have a novelty item in each photo, like knome, but im sure theyve done that in some film.. anyway maybe u could get a thai boy, or as u said just have followers round the world. Id pay to follow u. the messiah. have a fab time, keep me updated perlease xxxxxxxxxxxx and many more love louey
Just to say you are off tomorrow and have not packed yet, not washed your clothes yet. Have a lovely time. Mum xxxxxxxx