My powers have doubled since we last met. Am graduating in two days! The next time you see me you have to call me Owen Ross MA and bow slightly when I walk into the room. Mum and Dad are in Scotland. regrettably am mucho hungover and will soon face the music. No job has been forthcoming thus far. Also, please wash and shave, its not that difficult! Piggy was up for the weekend which was very cool. Am off for more alcohol.
#Owen says: be nice to men with guns
All this time in the army has clearly fazed yr senses if u can not crack the code!! + its always nice to know that between my best friends i have i a highly trained proffessional killer, but u have to remember that i was there when u almost killed both of us with that explosive cansister! Missing summer at home guys!! + would say more but gonna update journal now catch ya latez! s x
Well obviously my new celebrity status is highly appealling!! Be asured when i make my way back home i will hire u all help in order to assit u in dealling with my transformation!! eerr dad late july sounds pretty worrying mmm dont know have to check my bank account seee what the present damage is?! That is indeed brilliant news about owen must remind him there's no use doing so well if u dont have fun with it though im sure he's aware of this! phoned home yesterday and had a amusing conversation with the house sitter!
To Ben (Not The Real One) From Louise
wow we r mates with a celebrity. how cool. and u get the hot girl in pearl harbour. so u have experienced the ledgendary full moon party!! exams are in full swing back home, we all went to the pub to watch the football match on thurs- which we won incase no one has sed! rooney is back on the pitch and everything. missing u and ur splendid gatherings!
Dear stuart,
Dad calling, good news about Owen.don't you think. This beach party sounds like the sort of thing I might enjoy, did they play many Matt Monro records ? I am thinking of getting my Andy Williams vinyls out of storage, as he is back in fashion now, could be worth a fortune on E Bay. I've sent your tax form back pronto. Could be you will get the cash by the end of July. But don't worry you can always borrow some money off Owen. Its raining here now. Have a lovely time now. LOVE DAD
why dont you hire a trained killer to stare the mosquitos to death? they would have to be pretty hardcore though. then you could travel the rest of the world with the insect in your foot, maybe teach it to sing and dance? set up an all singing all dancing insect show and make millions. thats what fiddy would do
Dam these trunks chaffe! +my burning time with lotion is like 15 mins out here these malaria tablets are like vampire agent@!!
hey stuart still in thailand? i just heard that they were celebrating the 60th anniversary of the king being the king (however u say it) apparently BIG celebrations and everyone wearing yellow... nice seeing you yesterday...
foot progress report?!
as for the trained killer i may have a list you can work your way through jejej
stuart will u tell ben hes a bit of an idiot for not wearing sun tan lotion, i told him but maybe itl be better coming from a cultured traveller such as urself xxxxx
hahaha trained killer...nice
hey stuey, went 2 the beach yestetrday , 30C from 12 - 5 , i got rumbled so badly :( i look like a big red pepper and can hardly move my neck and hips, argh the pain.bring on the blisters and peeling! oh and my mum has taken the aftersun away to spain with her... PWNNEED! x hope ur havinga good time m8y. <3 x
Trained Killer
just came back off a brutal 2 week army camp (loving those communal showers) .
cant sleep in past 6 anymore! but on the plus side, i can now kill a man at 50 meters just by looking at him. oh yes, i am that hardcore.
i missed ur birthday....AGAIN!! this is getting out of control! well, hope u had a good one mate, gettin on a bit now! hope u got leathered thai style.
as for the code.....jibberish mate.
heres army code.
bravo echo november stop india siera stop alpha stop romeo alpha victor india november golf stop hotel oscar mike oscar siera echo x-ray uniform alpha lima stop-stop.
very jealous matey, keep up the good work.