ello there mr hope ur all gud we're all off to tenerife 2moro wooo for a tacky holiday means we cn actually see the sun altho it has bin quite hot recently, missin u! hpe ur havin fun n games love jennyxxxx
hellooo stuuuu, how goes it? ands its how 4 now. have u bought my kangaroo yet? lalalqalalal alqalalaqla wooo we love you stewart we do, we love u stewrt we do, we love you stewart we do OH stewart we love you, hope you love us toooo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx kate n jennyy
Hi Stu, just to say the video of your deep seadiving expedition has arrived safely with Thai Master Chef certificate. I must say Turtle Island looks fabulous and the fish exotic - don't know about that large blackone sporting a beard though. Did you meet up with Katie in Oz? Love Mum o x o
So sorry that the funds did not get transferred sooner. Hate to think of you penniless in Sydney. Unfortunately we only got back home late on Saturday, and did not get your message until then, and so the first that we could do it was on Monday morning. I hope that things are better now. I have paid in £250 cash on Monday which you can take out straight away, and a cheque for £250 which will take a week to clear so you can access that next Monday. You are obviously getting through your money much more quickly in Australia. Unfortunately we cannot access your account details ourselves, to find out how much money you have because only the account holder is allowed in. Would you like me to pay in all your money, which will be another £700 on top of the £500 I have already put in, ( ie 1200 being £1,000 tax money advance plus £200 that I owe you) or would you prefer me to pay in a weekly amount to cover you, and you can tell me how much you want?
All went well in Scotland, and we had a very nice time, Owen's graduation was very well done, we have ordered a video so you can spent a happy 2 hours watching when you get back. We had a great time in Edinburgh, saw katherine and went out to dinner with her, and had an excellent Italian. I gather that you have seen Katie in Sydney . Let me know about the money. Love from Dad
So sorry that the funds did not get transferred sooner. Hate to think of you penniless in Sydney. Unfortunately we only got back home late on Saturday, and did not get your message until then, and so the first that we could do it was on Monday morning. I hope that things are better now. I have paid in £250 cash on Monday which you can take out straight away, and a cheque for £250 which will take a week to clear so you can access that next Monday. You are obviously getting through your money much more quickly in Australia. Unfortunately we cannot access your account details ourselves, to find out how much money you have because only the account holder is allowed in. Would you like me to pay in all your money, which will be another £700 on top of the £500 I have already put in, ( ie 1200 being £1,000 tax money advance plus £200 that I owe you) or would you prefer me to pay in a weekly amount to cover you, and you can tell me how much you want?
All went well in Scotland, and we had a very nice time, Owen's graduation was very well done, we have ordered a video so you can spent a happy 2 hours watching when you get back. We had a great time in Edinburgh, saw katherine and went out to dinner with her, and had an excellent Italian. I gather that you have seen Katie in Sydney . Let me know about the money. Love from Dad
funds transferred.
Hey Guys, wll gd to hear from u!~! Oz ExPerIence est ou amazing ! Wld be gd to have u guys out here + Fern when u going to Perth?? Hope all yr exams are going well!! I reckon yr exam prob went much better than u thought! Girls tend to say and not do I find>>! I reckon by the time every 1 has fainted at the site of my cut out yr sure to impress in the confusion! A Kangaroo aye we shall see!!
- WHat is yr training on thou??
hey stuart just sitting here revising, did u know polysomy causes Down Syndrome?! are you following the world cup out there? you better watch out u dont get beats from some autralian fans! why didnt u take pictures of these hot girls? i need some eye candy. we have our ball a week tomorrow and im sad u will not be my date maybe i will take a cardboard cut out and introduce the new unimproved stuart to everyone! xxxxxxx
iv just been looking through all of your photos again......you have no idea how much i would give to be you right now!
but dont worry, im going traveling soon....yep, off to scotland to do CCF cadet training for three weeks! aaahhhhhhhhhhh!
p.s. beard is brilliant, dont even think about shaving
Hey sweety! Ok - thought I'd post a message to say this as close as I'm gona get to you for the next few months - in the airport in Perth (OZ) on a day trip - lol! So I'm saying hi from the other side! Hope you're enjoying yourself still and that you've met some great people! Be careful what you say about football thats my advice they get really fussy about calling it soccer and Australian Football is football - or whatever! Love the pics! Better get on the plane now to Hong Kong. Keep writing in the journal - its such a laugh - always makes me smile! Missing you! Love you loads! Ferny xxxx
hey stu, hope your all good and australia is amazing, please can u bring me back a kangaroo? i quite fancy sitting in its pouch and having it as my own original mode of transport :) just had my biology exam which went so badly but hey! only 2 more left, act only 1 more left cos bio synoptic doesnt count. we need to have another chat on msn soon dearest cos th last 1 left me a little confused!! kate xxx
How are puggys exams?? R they finished I cant remember?? Congratz again thou I was always confident, have fun graduating!! Just got Katty's mobile number from rodney so hopefully will be meeting up with her before I leave! Cool huh?? + I think u should do some thing fun and unique if yr gonna work, would working in America be an option?? Pitty yr on bad terms wiv Jess some free loading could have been on the cards there!! I mean I wouldnt stay in canterbury if I where u and your gonna be in london for like the next 10 years at least... any way its yr call have fun graduating love stu x ps. Dad Ill forward u the adress of where i stay im sure u wld enjoy the party!