HEy, guys!! lol I thought it was the 2nd just didnt want to get it wrong!
hey stu, can u update ur thing soon pleeeaase! i want to hear ur latest exploits from th land of harold, dingoes and kangaroos. have u had any 'barbies' yet?? am tres jealous still. ur off in australia and lucky me has just gone and got myself a job in marks and spencer- land of th percy pig. ah forgot about th time difference, ah well i spose i can become nocturnal so that i can talk to u. me and lu are gona meet th kooks! and yes i no there supposed to be arrogant and twattish but hey!! write soon stueyboy
ps. iv got a plan and its as hot as my pants xxxxxxxx
Ben :l
the 2nd.... :l u plank.
my god stuey you look like a member of the hezbollah before u shaved your beard.
alas stuart its the 19th (and mine is the 23rd- thought u ought to know and celebrate ozzie/peruvian style wherever u r at the time) i just got back from a hike in snowdonia, i am bitten and knackered and my bum is as firm as they come! ur blog confuses me, just like u... i have to say u make a good point about boyd, hes a bit too much of a boffin for me now anyway. what about some of that toadfish?? u look well cute with tht kwala. LETS HAVE BABIES!! have fun on the road. btw have u seen this frosties advert where this idiot boy sings 'its gonna taste great, its gonna taste great' its the best and worst advert of all time. xxxxxxxxxxx
I try to tell them dad, but for some reason they just seem to laugh and move closer as if ive told some kind of joke!! Outragous behavour, people here just wont let you read your book in peace! Cash is fine at the mom thanks, thou I cant check my details, i have a rough idea of how much I have.
35 degree thats like what it is here!! I hope runty is ok, i very much regret not having any pictures of her with me!! I have to say the backpacker life is very hard with all my pressing deadlines and co!! Can u believe I had to catch a 9 o'clock bus yesterday..... Look on the bright side though at least you have bottles of wine im down to sacks at 5 pounds for 4 litres!
Arrr yeah have seen a cockroach since I got to Australia though.
Did u check out my snake pictures though quite cool and the koala arrr!! In answer to yr question my uncle brought me some shoes when I stayed with him!! Over half way through! good lucck with yr results dont know when they r!! ps. WIthout ben reading ---- is ben's birthday 2nd of august???
God dam it im missing some really good concerts!! gd place earls court, Zorbing has brillant right laugh! but I dont know how to break this to u Kate but the time diffrence is 9 hours
Dear Stuart,
Dad calling. Sorry to continue to read of your unending misery on this trip. But do not worry, it's perfectly natural that you should miss us all here so much - just stick at it and try to enjoy yourself. I notice from some of the photos that you have sent that some girls in bikinis are sitting rather close to you - how inconsiderate paople are, just tell them to move to their own part of the beach - thats my advice, which I know you always take. It has been so hot here that even Mum has gone in the pool, if it gets any worse Phoebe may take a plunge. . Hope the cash is holding out.
Love Dad
Yo wooky, hope all is well, I am hearing good things about Australia via Granny. Sadly I cant talk for long as I am enscounced by the pool in 35 degree heat with no job and only 5 bottles of wine to keep my company; yes, its a tough life. The Runty is unhappily positioned in the coolest part of the house she can find but she sends her undieing love. Moderating this, hope it all goes well from now on. Owen x
hey stu, just got back from tenerife and i think youre very brave to go wandering round the world with no thought for cockroaches! :S seriously they're huge and they fly. and youre travelling with millions of them- you've earned my respect forever. when you coming back? the trip sounds amazing but vital question, have you got any shoes yet?? cant believe youre only halfway through, seems like youve been come foreverrrr..come back soon!! and bring karl kennedy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx